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  1. PonyGirl65

    how often do you talk to your difficult "child" now adult?

    difficult child calls every week like clockwork ;) easy child not so often, and we most always text. For awhile we were doing a weekly dinner together but that has fallen away. Talks of reviving that soon!
  2. PonyGirl65


    That does help, Cedar, thanks! I realize now, I didn't realize I wouldn't be hired at a new job right away. Truly, it just never occurred to me. That last job interview I went on...was 27 years ago. I applied and interviewed and was hired for the job that I just left. I just never had to...
  3. PonyGirl65


    There is a temp placing agency that I am in contact with. They have many many positions available, however those require traveling 50 miles south. I'm not willing to do that. I would travel 50 miles north, but not south. I did stop in at their booth at the Job Fair and they were very...
  4. PonyGirl65


    Thanks everyone. :) Yes, I am signed up with my state Job Search agency. I am also working with my state Dept of Vocational Rehab, to see if they can help with job re-training costs. I have applied at dozens of places. And I will continue to do so. Just a tough one today. I am dealing with...
  5. PonyGirl65


    I posted an update in PE forum a few weeks ago, how I made the incredibly hard decision to leave my job of 27 years. I'm still unemployed, still actively looking for work. Attended my first Job Fair yesterday - what a trip! Soooo not used to "selling myself" to prospective employers. 'Hire me...
  6. PonyGirl65

    Kinda concerned

    Yes, yes you are correct Copa. I've actually done pretty well in letting go of my worries where my son is concerned. It's a process, to be sure, doesn't happen overnight. But yes, as you say, he has made his bed. I am absolutely powerless to control anything that happens to him. (Well, not...
  7. PonyGirl65

    New here. Thought we had made it through the worse....

    Hi June, Just wanted to add my Welcome and glad you found us. You've gotten some great responses already and I don't have much to add. The one thing I thought of was...."virtual" friends aren't necessarily a "bad" thing. Of course I realize the obsession isn't good. I would gently suggest...
  8. PonyGirl65

    Kinda concerned

    Thanks everyone for your supportive words! Copa & Jabber, thank you also for your insight and helpful perspective. Ugh. Another piece of knowledge to add to the pile of "I wish I didn't have to know this".... And dad - you are SO right! It does sound a LOT like school, doesn't it! Not...
  9. PonyGirl65

    Dog ?

    We always used hotdogs or liverwurst to wrap the pill in. For constipation issues with my beloved black lab, I mixed Pepto Bismal with plain yogurt. She loved it, and it helped a lot. Best wishes for you & Gizmo! ~ Peace
  10. PonyGirl65

    Just Found Out Son is in Jail

    Same boat! I'll take the oars for awhile if you need. It's true, if our children break themselves against the law, then they must face the consequences of their actions. And if they won't change their actions, they need to be held in a place where they no longer have a choice. I guess that's...
  11. PonyGirl65

    Kinda concerned

    My son called this morning, I could hear something "off" in his voice. I asked if he had a cold, he said no. I asked if he maybe had some allergies? He said that could be, he does have a "throat thing" going on. We had a good visit. But. He confided to me that he has requested to begin...
  12. PonyGirl65

    Anyone Who Could, Prayers Appreciated

    Adding my prayers to you and yours ~ Peace
  13. PonyGirl65

    Happy birthday, Copabanana!

    :cutie_pie::cutie_pie:Birthday! Happy to YOU Copa :cutie_pie::cutie_pie:
  14. PonyGirl65

    Hi everybody!

    Just wanted to touch base with you all and let you know how things are with me. Mostly, good! GFG32 seems to be doing well in prison - which, he generally has always done well when he's locked up. He has been getting books from the library to study Physics and Calculus (always a brainiac...
  15. PonyGirl65

    Son Signed for Prison Today

    Adding my hugs and good thoughts to you. My son went to prison this past March on a 5-year sentence for robbery. My heart is with your heart. Peace
  16. PonyGirl65

    I Have A Lump

    Glad you're getting good answers, Susie
  17. PonyGirl65

    I Have A Lump

    You're in my thoughts today Susie!
  18. PonyGirl65

    Word Association...Anybody Game?

  19. PonyGirl65

    Been a rough few days.

    Adding prayers & hugs for you Tanya.
  20. PonyGirl65

    Attack of dreadful Itchies.......

    I did see the doctor last week and was prescribed prednisone. I am continuing to take the prednisone as prescribed, and washing with Zanfel 1x day. The worst of the rashes are drying up, but I am noticing new patches cropping up - just not nearly as intense as the originals. One big bothersome...