Bump in the road...

Marcie Mac

Just Plain Ole Tired
I had been reading bits and pieces of this thread and just went back to read the whole thing and I have to be honest, the whole story is making me go hmmmm. Please, DO NOT give her 20,000 - I know she didnt ask you for it, but she knows you and she wouldn't have to ask if you thought she was in danger, you would find a way

All of us at home have a program on our phones that can track where our phone is if it is lost. One of my boys said if she had an I Phone with cloud or an android with tracking device on it, you can find out where she is. The other one said the police can easily do it but need a good reason. You can also do it if she has a GPS on her phone via goggle.

Is she calling AH in jail? You may want to check with them as they record all conversations IF they were discussing a drug cartel they would know. Sadly I have heard a similar story from my difficult child - he wasn't going for 20 grand, more like 1,500 (which he didn't get) and the supposed drug people went away. I don't know, just the fact she doesn't want to change her phone number and is hiding "in plain sight"....

I know you are very concerned - maybe I am just jaded by being "played" (my eldest is worse than Dan ever was when it comes to high drama and lying-she was living with a crack head and got me for a extremely large amount of money. At the time I had no clue he was a druggie). You can also do a reverse number lookup - I think its something like 1.99 - just google the area code and number of someone you don't recognize on her phone. You can also google "local gangs in "whatever" city you are in.

so sorry and sending some cyber hugs your way.



She is still alive. husband and I both agree that if they wanted her dead, she would be by now...so, things are still not adding up and I am not frightened and crying my eyes out anymore. She told me she spent Thanksgiving eve hiding out in a boat dock because she had bullets whizzing by her. And she was able to hide out long enough for them to just go away? So, things are maybe a little too dramatic?
It all seemed a believable story at first. I mean, a hole was arrested for trafficking. Someone must be looking for their money. I just don't know what to think...:-(


Active Member
Wow, I was hoping for a update and here there is one. I'm sorry it is so convoluted. I hate to be the naysayer, but bullets whizzing past her as she hides? And this isn't on the news, and she gets away, in obviously a place secluded enough for whizzing bullets to not go noticed by witnesses who would call police? Absolutely this is not real, and I know must hurt you so much wondering what on earth is going through her mind. Has she ever had a psychotic break? I ask because my mother during psychotic breaks speaks with absolute conviction that what she is saying is real, that the "tell" is the convoluted nature of the story she is telling (ie. with my mother, that demons are possessing the bodies of 99% of the planet but God has given her the blessing of being able to identify the demons and not be tricked as the rest of people are). Even if she hasn't had a history of psychosis, That doesn't mean it hasn't happened. Meth induced (or other drug), mental health induced, withdrawal induced, a myriad of possible causes could have come to pass.
Does your state have that law I've heard of (maybe "Baker Act", not sure if that is it) where a loved one can appear in a court and explain their fears for their adult loved one in need of protection, and police look for them and pick them up for forced hospitalization?


Ok, I was the non doubter in the group and she lost even me at "bullets whizzing"...

I'm so sorry PG. I hate when we get bitten for believing in our kids. It hurts so much



Well-Known Member
Staff member
PG, I think you are right to be skeptical. I can't imagine anywhere around here where there are boat docks where people wouldn't notice and report bullets whizzing by. I also don't think that an international drug cartel that can order hits on people hiding in Europe would miss their intended target right in front of them and then just leave.

It is sounding more and more like meth induced paranoia or hallucinations to me.

I'm so sorry.



....Hopeful Now
PG I am sorry the story is getting more bizarre. I have not been around meth users so I have no idea about hallucinations, but bullets wizzing by and they left. Hugs to you


PG I am sorry the saga continues but very glad you are not scared and crying anymore!!! It is so hard to sift out the truth from our difficult children!! I dont know if she is having hallucinations or just building up this story to play you somehow. You are right it does not add up... and my guess is she didnt really spend Thanksgiving hiding in a boat dock, much less with bullets whizzing by.




I am so sorry. I was in a similar situation with my difficult child when he said guys with automatic weapons were after him.

It is SO hard. Know I am thinking of you. You will do your best to make the right choices.


Well-Known Member
Meth does cause permanent brain damage... so this might not be anything new or current, but rather evidence of past damage - stress tends to highlight things like brain damage.

Calamity Jane

Well-Known Member
Hi PG,
If she is not playing you, but instead thinks these things are real, they must be very distressing to her, to say the least. She must be terrified. She very well may have spent the night under the bridge with imaginary bullets whizzing past. I was just thinking...would you be interested in getting a PI to tail her and see what's going on, so you know what's real and what's not? Just a thought. I'm sorry for all of this. Hang in there...


I haven't talked to her for a couple of days now, but I do know she is alive through phone records. I have done some looking online and I do realize that this could be a meth induced phychosis. There would be no telling her that, of course. I don't know how to handle. She needs to be back in rehab, but there will be no telling her that, either. I don't know what to do...

This is our law for having someone committed:
"For inpatient care, a person must be in need of involuntary treatment and (1) be an imminent danger to self/others, as evidenced by recent overt acts or expressed threats of violence; or (2) be unable to care for physical health and safety so as to create an imminently life-endangering crisis and in need of involuntary treatment."

She has not acted or threatened anyone with violence. She is not suicidal. Her life is not in imminent danger from being a drug addict. I don't know that I have a leg to stand on....

I think she was supposed to be in court today so there will be a warrant for her arrest.

Kathy, you know which lake she would have been referring to. I did a Google search for shots fired in the area and something did come up, but from over a week ago and there was also a stabbing - police think the two incidents were related...

So I am thinking either she is playing me - perhaps she needed a reason to no longer be in rehab but didn't want to lose her family at the same time, so she came up with this story. I mean, how could I force her to stay somewhere if her life was in danger there??

Or she really believes these people are after her in which case why wouldn't she jump at a new phone/phone number??

Thank you everyone for sticking by me and not just telling me I was completely idiotic to believe her story. The realist in me is starting to come back...


Well-Known Member
My heart goes out to you and to your daughter. It appears that she is highly delusional. I would think that could put her in danger. I wonder if that would satisfy your states requirements?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yes, PG, I know which lake you are talking about and there are people that live on the lake full time in houseboats. I can't believe someone wouldn't have noticed bullets being shot and called the police.

I think your theories are valid but the fact that you believed her story at first makes me think that she truly believed it which is why it was so convincing to you. That's why I think this all may be meth induced psychosis rather than a made up story.

Of course, our difficult child's are very, very good at making up stories.

Either way, this would break a mother's heart so I understand how you must be feeling right now.
