Grey's Anatomy!!!



"I love George's character too. Despite the overabundance of awful men I have encountered, I still firmly believe there are also lots of "Georges" in this world ... good, kind, decent people who know the right thing to do and then do it! "

Donna, I agree. But let's also remember that this was the committment phobic who basically cut Callie off. Ah yes, they may be good in some ways but with women...


(the future) MRS. GERE
Edge, I don't think that George is a commitment-phobe. I just don't think he loved/loves Callie. Callie was so pushy he couldn't breathe. He wasn't "there" yet. He would have committed in a heartbeat if Meredith had decided he was the guy for her.

After that kiss in his Dad's hospital room, I wonder if they will have George's feelings for Callie change now?

lol---we are talking about these characters like they are real people. Great acting and writing, eh? lol



Well-Known Member
Suz, that's what I was thinking too! The first time around, Callie was pushing too hard and things were going too fast. Maybe now things will develop naturally between them at a slower pace and they will both be on the same page about it. I hope so! It will be a good story line. And from what the gossip columns say, Dr. Burke may be going "somewhere" soon and leave the series! Poor Christina!


Gee, I haven't been this involved with non-existent people since I was in high school and my friends and I developed a huge fixation on "As The World Turns"! This was long before Tivo or videotape. If something BIG was going on, one of us would stay home "sick" so we could watch it and report back to the others the next day! We took turns being "sick"! :grin:


Active Member
If they end up firing Burke's character because of the actor's comments, I hope they don't have his character go off to Africa. That's already been done on ER. This is too good of a show to have to resort to copying storylines.

I sobbed through the whole episode, I swear. The commercials are really playing up this week's show, saying that lots will be happening.

Is it Thursday yet? lol
