More lab results


New Member
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this or not...

difficult child test results keep rolling in. :Bonkers:

Does anyone understand Manual Differential??

Neut is slightly low. Band - on a reference range of 10-20 is 1 ! BASO is slightly high.

I can only find info on the web if the neut and band are high (lukemia, severe infection etc). She is low.

also under hepatic function AST Sgot is high (has been several other times too)

Anyone have good resources that have info on these?


Crazy Cat Lady husband died of a bone marrow disease and I am quite familiar with reading blood test results.

Does anyone understand Manual Differential??
Yup...a differential is a sort of blood count where they sort and analyze the various types of blood cells by literally looking at them on a 'gridline' slide through a microscope. It is usually done when the machine tests show something 'odd'.

Neut is slightly low. Band - on a reference range of 10-20 is 1 ! BASO is slightly high.
Neutrophils are a specific type of white blood cell that come from the same stem cell line as red cells and platelets. They are bacterial, viral, and fungal infection fighters. If you can PM me the full details I can translate. "BASO" is talking about 'basophiles', which are a type of white cell that take up alkaline dies (basophile means' alkali-loving') A slightly elevated BASO count means the body is pushing out some slightly immature white cells. Do call the doctor and ask about 'left shift' on the white cell count.

I can only find info on the web if the neut and band are high (lukemia, severe infection etc). She is low.

also under hepatic function AST Sgot is high (has been several other times too)
This can mean any number of things. AST is an amino acid transferase enzyme involved in protein metabolism. Elevated AST and SGOT can mean anything from liver 'stress' (blood disorders stress the liver as the liver gets stuck with metabolizing 'bad' or damaged blood cells) to an outright liver disorder. Again, if you will PM me the full results I will be happy to translate them into English.

Anyone have good resources that have info on these?