Going Green
Things lately with difficult child haven't been....bad. Haven't been great but not bad. It doesn't happen as much lately but every now and then he gets in these moods like it's it big goal of the day to see how much he can offend me or push my buttons.
Earlier he was watching one of those police shows on tv where they re-enact different situations. Hostages, bank robbery...stuff like that. I wasn't paying much attention but the case featured looked to be some type of hostage situation with the "bad guy" being very mentally unstable. When things were described about what the guy did to some of his hostages, difficult child got disgusted, turned it off and then used his phrase of the month. He said that the guy was wrong and "needed to be put to sleep". difficult child gets phrases from who knows where and then uses them constantly till he finds a new one. For some reason, this one is just rubbing me completely wrong. When I commented on how this guy sounded unstable and could just need medications he said it again. Sometimes if I explain something to him, he'll get it. Other times, I'll see this sick, satisfied smile on his face (he's not quick enough to hide it) and know it's one of "those" times when he gets a true kick out of offending me. Today was one of those times. I just told him I didn't like or appreciate the comment and he needed to keep it to himself.
Sometimes I really wonder about him. As long as he's been with us, I've seen this smile and I hate it. Honestly, I think he's got a "path" streak in him (socio, of them) and no amount of medications will help. I brought it up once to a therapist who said it was possible there were tendencies but not enough to really address specifically. He did say that he thought difficult child lacked true empathy (which I do somewhat agree with) but from what he saw there wasn't really much to be done. Don't get me wrong, difficult child doesn't harm people/animals, doesn't set fires....none of the red flag behaviors. But there IS this streak in him that, when it pops up, I just want to slap into next week. Somewhere inside there is a piece of him that enjoys seeing people .....not hurt but....I don't know how to word it....offended/worked up....something along that line. I don't think he would ever get violent (at least not when he's on his medications and stable) but in a lot of ways, I truly don't trust him. I wouldn't put it past him to do stupid but twisted things like dipping my (or husband's)toothbrush in the toilet, wiping body fluids on things around the house....sneaky things like that. I have no reason to think these things about him but it's just a feeling I get sometimes. Weird, I know, but it's there all the same.
I don't think husband sees it and didn't really get it when I tried to explain it to him. Personally, I'll be glad when difficult child is out of the house. He's got one more semester of high school (his THIRD attempt at graduating) and once that's done, I will be looking into any available group home or assisted living situation I can find for him.
Earlier he was watching one of those police shows on tv where they re-enact different situations. Hostages, bank robbery...stuff like that. I wasn't paying much attention but the case featured looked to be some type of hostage situation with the "bad guy" being very mentally unstable. When things were described about what the guy did to some of his hostages, difficult child got disgusted, turned it off and then used his phrase of the month. He said that the guy was wrong and "needed to be put to sleep". difficult child gets phrases from who knows where and then uses them constantly till he finds a new one. For some reason, this one is just rubbing me completely wrong. When I commented on how this guy sounded unstable and could just need medications he said it again. Sometimes if I explain something to him, he'll get it. Other times, I'll see this sick, satisfied smile on his face (he's not quick enough to hide it) and know it's one of "those" times when he gets a true kick out of offending me. Today was one of those times. I just told him I didn't like or appreciate the comment and he needed to keep it to himself.
Sometimes I really wonder about him. As long as he's been with us, I've seen this smile and I hate it. Honestly, I think he's got a "path" streak in him (socio, of them) and no amount of medications will help. I brought it up once to a therapist who said it was possible there were tendencies but not enough to really address specifically. He did say that he thought difficult child lacked true empathy (which I do somewhat agree with) but from what he saw there wasn't really much to be done. Don't get me wrong, difficult child doesn't harm people/animals, doesn't set fires....none of the red flag behaviors. But there IS this streak in him that, when it pops up, I just want to slap into next week. Somewhere inside there is a piece of him that enjoys seeing people .....not hurt but....I don't know how to word it....offended/worked up....something along that line. I don't think he would ever get violent (at least not when he's on his medications and stable) but in a lot of ways, I truly don't trust him. I wouldn't put it past him to do stupid but twisted things like dipping my (or husband's)toothbrush in the toilet, wiping body fluids on things around the house....sneaky things like that. I have no reason to think these things about him but it's just a feeling I get sometimes. Weird, I know, but it's there all the same.
I don't think husband sees it and didn't really get it when I tried to explain it to him. Personally, I'll be glad when difficult child is out of the house. He's got one more semester of high school (his THIRD attempt at graduating) and once that's done, I will be looking into any available group home or assisted living situation I can find for him.