

New Member
THats a good idea about the ring thing, the strip of metal? When I got my rings repaired, the jeweler put in these little bump thingies...made the riings extra large to accomodate for my rheumatic flares and sudden swelling.the bumps hold the rings but the large size gave me room for swelling....LOL. so inside my ring bands are 2 little bumps.

Ironically, used to be when stressed, I did not eat....I think it was all about they TYPE of food yesteday....."comfort foods" and chili mac is a HUGE favorite of my kids, dumb that I ate it becuz normally I don't really eat chili mac, LOL. Maybe I was just being oppositional myself? LOL.

The tape measure does not say I am smaller, but my clothes sure do....that confuses me. And yes, the sed rate is from illness ongoing etc.....and from trying to reduce the medications, the illness is more active with inflammation....damaged tissue etc. THankfully it is not affectning my functionality. So- more worriesome to my GP on my liver is the triglycerides levels....I am still very very happy my enzymes levels are better. LOL I did a little happy dance yesterday in the middle of all the other chaos, LOL. Heck, actually, I did a BIG happy dance.

This is the lowest adult weight I have been.....that in and of itself is kind of exciting. But my main goal is not so much the weight loss but better health----so I do take delight in my good blood sugar levels and blood pressure right now, too. I can see the positive benefits there, too. Last week I began to pay more attention to high fructose corn syrup in foods I buy for the family. I am trying very hard to not buy any. I have stuck mostly to fresh produce, so for me myself it is not so much an issue now---I was surprised to find that sometimes products replace FAT with high fructose corn syrup for flavor?

ANyway onward and forward with my learning and trying to gradually change things for the better for the whole family.


Active Member
Dreamer, you said, "I was surprised to find that sometimes products replace FAT with high fructose corn syrup for flavor?"

That's why I no longer buy fat-free stuff in the supermarkets. If you check the labels, it's mostly got added sugar in some form. Instead, I buy (or make) real mayonnaise. If I'm making a salad sandwich, I will spread the bread with mayo or cream cheese instead of butter. You get less fat that way, but still a great taste.

It's a matter of being sensible, and eating healthy food. Balance. A lot of expensive weight-loss products may not be special at all, just labelled. Read labels. Any brand from a weight-loss company or organisation - read the contents. We have a weight-loss company which sells its own brand of jam. I compared the label with a generic jam and found the generic was lower in sugar and higher in fruit. The weight-loss one had added gelatine and colouring to make the jam look richer. Since then I make my own jam, although I've not eaten any since starting this diet.

Weight loss is not just a lifestyle change, it's an education!



New Member
I hadn't used those type products, so I hd never paid attention.....(fat free, sugar free etc) but, what you said, I had read that...and see it on the food labels. Ihad been eating such plain things- fresh produce, mostly vegs..... my plain oats, my plain fish, adding only herbs myself, etc. I had not paid any attention to high fructose corn syrup...until now. For the rest of my family- who are not following my rigid change here. and yup- sometimes they change a product and put on the loable that it is fat free, but- yeesh, the sugar content or something else is even worse. Food science is .......interesting. and complicated. I am finding it easiest to just stay with the fresh produce. Especially local in season fresh produce.

Yesterday - not becuz of my health issues, but for a volunteer position I have joined, I had an opportunity to go to a hepatitis seminar. THAT was interesting, as well.