New Member
Help! My daughter is 9 and has ADHD. We have tried about every medication in the book with varing degrees of success and finally tried Focalin. She is on 10MG in the AM. I think it is the XR. 100% improvement in her school work and completing tasks (even homework). She is also more herself (more hyper than the other medications) than she was on the other medications which calmed her down almost too much (she lost her personality). Her normal disposition is very bright and cheery (chatter box). Now we only have one major issue. Something is happening about 6 to 7 pm everynight. She throws a major tantrum about that time almost every night and the smallest thing can set her off. Ig she does not get her way and she goes into the "I hate you" Drama Queen mode. This is very unusual for her so I'm pretty positive it's not as much a behavior issue as a medication issue. I hold her accountable for her actions and don't take it but something else is going on here that I don't think is her fault. I've read about a booster does in the afternoon. My concern is she may not be able to sleep (we had this with Adderall). Or is there something else she can take in the afternoon that will soften the evening crash. I really like this medication if we can overcome this one obstacle. Please let me know if you have seen this and what you have done to overcome it. I have a call into her pediatrician about it.