one day at a time
Welcome, new members. When you are ready to post about your situation, please look for the button at the top of the page, on the right. The button is called: Post New Thread. The color of the button is light blue with white letters.
Here is a screen shot that helps focus more on where it is.
Posting your own "thread" will create a separate post for you, and then other members will be able to see it easily and start posting on it.
Many new people aren't sure how to do this, and end up posting on the threads of other people, which is okay, but you won't get as many responses, so I wanted to provide more details.
We are glad you are here.
Here is a screen shot that helps focus more on where it is.
Posting your own "thread" will create a separate post for you, and then other members will be able to see it easily and start posting on it.
Many new people aren't sure how to do this, and end up posting on the threads of other people, which is okay, but you won't get as many responses, so I wanted to provide more details.
We are glad you are here.