PLEASE: Write a signature so we can recall your info


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's difficult to try to recall everyone's story and facts. PLEASE use this information to do a signature to make it easier for us to support you.

Creating a signature which appears at the bottom of each of your posts is a very useful as a way for the rest of the members to get to know you. Take a look at what others have put in their signatures to see what you would feel comfortable disclosing about you and your family.
1. Log in

2. Select Signature in the user control panel.

3. Create your signature in the signature text box.

Click "Save Changes" and your signature will display at the bottom of your posts.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Here's my signature Tired the bottom of my posts. Is that helpful?

Me- 67 year old healthy optimist

husband- gentle, funny, loving soul, who is my best friend and greatest support
difficult child- 43 year old bio daughter, not diagnosed but fits numerous mental illness'
We've raised our 20 year old granddaughter who has headed off to college.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." Albert Einstein.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hmmm. I don't know, I've not heard that before. I'll check in with the site admin and see if she can help you. Her name is Cheryl (runnawaybunny)