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  1. M

    IEP meeting tomorrow...any advice appreciated.

    Been in your boat before!! Be sure to push for real experts in "behavior" to do the Functional Behavior Assessment and not just the school social worker. difficult child's p-doctor should be able to recommend people that you can then suggest to the school. Be sure the BIP mentions his disability is causing...
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    Urgent Issue with school

    I know another advocate/grandmother who makes COPIES of every single piece of her grandson's homework so if a teacher says it wasn't turned in, she can produce a copy of it instantly! She also has all work done IN school copied and compiled so she can pick it up weekly from the school again so...
  3. M

    Need help getting IEP process started...

    I would also formally request a Functional Behavior Assessment be done to develop a Behavior Intervention Plan in conjunction with the IEP. If at all possible, push to have "real" behavior specialists to the FBA, and not just the school counselor/psychiatric. When the BIP is actually written try to...
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    Need input for an inservice for general Ed.teachers.

    Crista, Communication. That's #1 in my book. My difficult child's best year was first grade because the teacher called me several times per week to let me know: 1. What was going on with difficult child and 2. For advice. By working together difficult child had a great year because we acted on his behavior as a team. She...
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    Suspended for 5 days - now at 11 total

    My attorney is strongly suggesting a confidentiality agreement and their wording prevents me from filing any complaints, etc., BUT it doesn't prevent others from doing it so I have two advocates ready to start writing op eds, articles, instigate investigations through the state, etc. I sure as...
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    Suspended for 5 days - now at 11 total

    klmno - I did read your reply - but not until today! It is all good advice but I have a feeling no matter what I would have done it would have gone bad. I just talked to another very well respected advocate, who doesn't think our agreement sounds so bad and just needs some legal tweaking to...
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    Suspended for 5 days - now at 11 total

    Sorry for the very long delay in responding - all the sudden I stopped getting the emails but it looks like I needed to update my options with the software change. And in all honesty, I've been overwhelmed to the point where I visited the doctor on Friday for my first ever prescription for...
  8. M

    Vented yesterday-Now the questions

    I have no idea how she did it but a grandma I know got a gum chewing accommodation in her grandson's IEP but his is just for test taking. So it CAN be done... If they are stuck on using the agenda book, have each teacher at the end of each class check to see if she's written down what needs to...
  9. M

    Suspended for 5 days - now at 11 total

    We do have a horrible IEP but at least it does have some weak behavior goals. We also have a BIP that we had just met on last week to update because he'd been having so many more incidents since school started and the BIP was written last spring. The revisions were not yet completed and I had...
  10. M

    Suspended for 5 days - now at 11 total

    While I do thank you all very much for your input and help, it appears it's for naught. I found out today they are planning to expel him. I'm supposed to get the letter from the school's attorney by Monday at the latest. I'm just appalled and amazed that they can expel a 10 year old with...
  11. M

    Suspended for 5 days - now at 11 total

    ...a manifestation of his ADHD/ODD. Get this - it all started because he couldn't use the computer because HE WASN'T PAYING ATTENTION!!! No Sh*t Sherlock! He's ADHD and it was 11:30 a.m. when he was due for his next dose of ritalin. Ah - I just remembered - we need a manifestation...
  12. M

    Private IEE results are in!

    Martie, Hubby and I were just talking about this yesterday. He's getting impatient with everything moving so slow and I keep reminding him that we are slowly building our case and can't do anything stupid. We are far from rich and are already paying for tutoring 2 hours per week. I have both...
  13. M

    Private IEE results are in!

    Martie, Too bad you can't pound all our school administrators in that class too...but the psychiatric's are a start I suppose! I do own all three of the Wright's Law books and attended a 2 day boot camp this summer. I went to that September IEP meeting with all my goals written in "SMART" format...
  14. M

    Private IEE results are in!

    Martie, You ought to be teaching that Legal Issues 401 class! Excellent explanation in tying together IDEA and NCLB that I hope helps others too. I've read NCLB and I think I understand it but then I try to tie it back to difficult child's situation and our school and it gets confusing. So...the IEP we...
  15. M

    Private IEE results are in!

    Martie, I am trying to bring an advocate - I know one who would be great but she's already got so much on her plate that I'm trying not to ask but hoping she'll volunteer. The meeting is the 18th. Do you know much about NCLB and the curriculum requirements? It's my understanding all...
  16. M

    Private IEE results are in!

    I'm a little bit giddy right now. We met with a highly recommended psychologist who spent about 7 hours with difficult child testing him for a private IEE - the one I asked for and the school wanted to take us to due process to refuse! So to make a long story short, one of his recommendations is a ONE ON...
  17. M

    SST meeting.....What do I do to prepare?

    Martie, Thank you for that very good clarification on expulsion. While I hope and pray we never get to that point, I do worry about it since there's no way I would send my son to our local district meaning we'd have to take the school of choice route. With difficult child's discipline history, it's not...
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    SST meeting.....What do I do to prepare?

    "Special Education students can not be expelled, ever,..." Martie, is this true for all public schools? What about the rule of knives, guns, drugs? I thought they could for that...or does that just mean they have to find another placement? My son attends a public charter school and they flat out...
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    Thank you! My first reaction was to be a PITA about it all but that's why I post here before I actually reply to these flaming emails from school!! I'm starting to think that the sped director has never dealt with mediation before. She's fairly new to this position - just 5 years ago she was...
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    Fortunately, we do have peaceful periods but I truly believe much of that comes from "picking our battles". We have definitely found that the more anger we exhibit, the more we get. We only go after the stuff that is totally non-negotiable because we know we will have a battle. Michelle