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    I seem to pop in every 5 years or so with an update. My oldest is now 30

    I gotta tell you, I got a lot of grey hairs from that kid. And I spent some nights in emergency rooms. But she made it. 'Nuff said.
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    I seem to pop in every 5 years or so with an update. My oldest is now 30

    She is actually doing well. And, instead of hurting herself when she is depressed (she is bipolar) she can now contact her health team and ask to be admitted. And she has actually built herself a life. She has been married for a few years now and she is employed part-time. Mind, she is herself...
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    Copabana's post was excellent. To my surprise, my son became an honest man after dealing with the courts. Because he was young and it was a first offense he qualified for diversion, but it took him several months to pay off his fine. I do not know what they said to him: the judge spoke to him...
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    Anyone ever had a family member in a group home setting?

    When I was potty training my son, I also used to give him a piece of candy every time he used the toilet. The problem in this case would be that it sounds like his Mother works? When my kids were small I used to work weekends while my husband worked week days. I am wondering if the young man...
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    Oh, yes. It is the boy she dated she broke up with, not the young man she married. She has been married for 3 years, now
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    Newstart I think that many people with bipolar hold themselves to standards that they can never meet. No matter how hard they try they WILL have periods of mood swings, and it is no use thinking that they are bad people because they had a tantrum out of something insignificant. I suspect that is...
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    Anyone ever had a family member in a group home setting?

    Barbaro, if my son was making a daily mess in the bathroom I would give him a piece of candy + "well done!" for every day he did NOT leave a mess. Kids on the Autistic spectrum enjoy perks as much as any kid does: however what they regard as a reward may be different from most kids. For my kid...
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    My bipolar daughter lied constantly as a teen. Now that she is in her mid-20's the lies have become rare. She still has a quick temper but she only gets angry about nothing when she is cycling: it is as though she feels angry and assumes she is angry because of xyz, but in reality she is angry...
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    And the begging starts

    Helpless29, 7 years ago my own son was put into the Diversion program as a first offender and it ended up being a good thing for him. The authorities seriously were trying to guide him. My own efforts did not succeed but their efforts did, partly because they were not the Mom. I had warned him...
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    Concerned about 5 year old

    Heather, my own son is on the Autistic spectrum, so I thought that I would share what helped my son. Basically, my son would try to be perfect but NOBODY can be perfect, and that goes double for the little ones. So, when he could no longer be perfect he would lose it, cry, yell, and generally...
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    Worried about 14 year old son

    Gentle hugs from KAnsas! I have no advice, but my hyperactive daughter is also showing signs of strain: it is due to the COVID I know that my adult daughter is only mildly ADHD, but even so she is about to jump out of her skin with this COVID thing. She feels confined because she stays inside...
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    Anyone ever had a family member in a group home setting?

    My son who has Asperger's syndrome LOVES having his own apartment. He flat out loves it. It is a section 8 apartment, and it took 18 months to get him into it. The motto in my state is "a decent place to live", and that about sums it up. It is an older unit in good repair, has 2 bedrooms and a...
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    Now that my disabled children have been raised, my oldest has questions about the child that *SHE* is raising.

    Thank you, I have passed those sites on to my daughter. My daughter is 27, and I am pretty sure she knows the risks. She has been working closely with this girl's case worker, and he appears to be pretty good. HE has approved of everything my daughter has done. There is very little legal risk...
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    Now that my disabled children have been raised, my oldest has questions about the child that *SHE* is raising.

    The PAST! One year ago My daughter is doing well at this point. However, she and her husband were at an anime' festival when she saw a very young woman in a potentially dangerous situation with an abusive boyfriend, and they stepped in. To make a long story short the security threw the abusive...
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    daughter says that "psychosis is like a screaming toddler"..... this is too cute not to share!

    I asked my daughter what she meant by distracting herself from psychosis. She replied that she is of the opinion that movies use the same part of her brain as the part that is causing psychosis, so she watches movies. She favors horror flicks (not hardcore horror, more like "The nightmare before...
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    Pregnant 30 year old

    Is there any reason why you cannot take her to a shelter next week?
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    daughter says that "psychosis is like a screaming toddler"..... this is too cute not to share!

    Like many people with bipolar, my daughters symptoms come and go. And, no medications work for very long with her, but fortunately she is stable more often than she is ill. She says she finds it easier to deal with the symptoms if she assigns personalities to them. So, she says that psychosis is like...
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    I don’t know how to help.

    Lynn, I just want to give you a hug. I do understand. My daughter was stuck as well. She eventually got herself un-stuck by moving in with an on-line friend, and it turned out very badly. I have no advice to give. I do not know what the answer is. I do want to say that this will change, and in...
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    Breaking Heart

    ...for her to continue getting into trouble, but when her family STOPPED helping her, she actually started taking care of herself. Today she is *STILL* taking care of herself, and if we had helped her I think she would still be seeing how much trouble she could get into. She enjoyed getting...
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    I think God is testing me

    Californiablond, you rock. You really do. It reminds me of that old saw "I prayed for strength so that I could do great things, but I was given weakness so I could do better things". You were there for this child and I salute you! ............................................................ My...