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  1. M

    Son is out.

    Oh, littleboylost, my heart breaks for you. I will be praying for your strength, and your husband's, too.
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    Jumper getting married!

    Congratulations! Sounds like a great start for Jumper and her fiance. And I know that makes your momma heart happy!
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    She's gone....

    I'm happy to hear this and I'm happy you have peace with your decision. I can't imagine the strength it took, but I agree that it was necessary.
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    And he's going down fast

    I'm so very sorry! Sending big hugs your way and prayers for your family.
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    Score one for karma- teacher arrested

    I'm so sorry that this may have happened with Ferb, and others... But so glad the teacher got caught!
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    Son left sober living....

    Your strength amazes me! As wiser said, maybe this is the best path for your Difficult Child for now. I will be praying for you and your family.
  7. M

    Done, done, done!!

    Jeez... I didn't realize you couldn't kick someone out of your own home. I'm so sorry that you are going through all of this and that your daughter is unwilling to follow your rules.
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    Motivation....someone help me please.

    Oh goodness... I'm so sorry for all of this! Is he depressed? Could that be causing him no motivation? I don't know, but my son does have depression and is an overall lazy kid.
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    de ja vue

    Dang, 15 years is something to be proud of, but yeah, you need to focus on yourself!!
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    I Don't Know How To Talk To My Difficult Child...

    Thank you!! I appreciate your response more than you know!
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    I Don't Know How To Talk To My Difficult Child...

    That would be my choice. To have him out versus getting paid back. Husband is out of town for a week. Difficult Child usually 'controls' himself better around his dad. Thank you! <3
  12. M

    I Don't Know How To Talk To My Difficult Child... for a few minutes. Came back and asked one more time. He sat and did nothing. A couple minutes later, he picked it up. Difficult Child told me that if *I* would have just picked up the bowl off the floor we would not have had to fight. Any time he does not get his way, it is a "fight". He does not...
  13. M

    You know you have a difficult child when . . .

    This right here is what I've been trying to get out... grieving a child I bore and raised and is still alive but no longer the person he once was or could have been. There ARE success stories and I hope and pray that we all are able to experience them.
  14. M

    You know you have a difficult child when . . .

    Oh my goodness! Reading this breaks my heart! I am so sorry that your family is going through this nightmare. My magic carpet ride has not been quite as "exciting" so to speak. We have had multiple suicide threats (manipulation), one in-patient stay that was at a horrible facility that did...
  15. M

    You know you have a difficult child when . . .

    My son actually got great grades in honors classes all the way through 11th grade. His senior year, this last year, he knew all he had to do was pass English to graduate and he did with an A. Other classes, not so much, but this school year was the start of his "disorder" getting completely out...
  16. M

    You know you have a difficult child when . . .

    Oh yes they can! And everyone thinks I'm the "crazy" one for feeling the way I do about my Difficult Child. He's such a charmer, nice looking, dresses nice, has perfect manners, good grades, but is good about hiding his rage from others and manipulating, manipulating, manipulating...
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    Crisis coming

    Acacia, my heart hurts for you! I hope and pray that you are able to find a suitable situation that gives you peace. Sending big hugs your way!
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    I just realized something...

    Yes, this is my situation. Do you have any good tips or advice?
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    Lost & Confused: 18 YO Struggling With Depression

    Definitely! Is this something that you have found to be helpful?
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    Narcissist article

    Thank you for sharing this!