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    Ugh, something else to damage our kids...|mod&par=xfinity
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    How are you doing? Thinking of you this week end.
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    Social security for child

    We are older parents and 17 y.o. difficult child 3 has started getting a ssi check. We were told that this is to ensure that she stay in HS. She is under the impression that she can just bank the entire amount for her own purposes. We have just the recipients of her fury. We tried to explain that this is...
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    Warrior mothers, look at these stats...
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    Malika, are you getting my IMs? My posts no longer show up.

    Don't want you to think that I have walked out of the room.
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    Starting to understand my adopted kids...

    Through, I have found out that I am not who I thought I was for 60+ years. My paternal grandfather, whom I never met, was adopted by the family I always thought of as my own. Actually, his mom kept him and her new husband took him as his own. I never met them until this Easter. I...
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    Has anyone heard from GCVmom?

    She has been absent from FB since Apr.7.
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    Does anyone have experience with dexedrine?

    difficult child 2 has been getting his healthcare through the VA. They had him on all kinds of medications, steroids for a supposed asthma (NO pulmonary function test was performed), atavan for restless arm, ambien for insomnia and others I can't even remember. They got him off those medications and some doctor saw him for...
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    Has anyone heard from Keista?

    This has been an awfully long silence.
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    This Memorial Day weekend marks..

    the 40th year of the passing of my aunt S and the 30th year of the passing of my beloved aunt and godmother H. They were the eldest and the youngest of my mother's sisters. I am now the eldest in my shrinking family. My therapist told me that when one human being loves you when you are a child...
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    Sad to say but I have to move easy child into the difficult child category...

    ...requiring ten stitches. She came back with foul language, learned at the group meetings, was reprimanded by a teacher for saying something was s****y. That is new behavior. She told her dad that when she has reached the age of 18 she will not see either of us except for the day she gets to...
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    Time to update on easy child...

    It is an amazing fact that our difficult child 1 has been warning us about easy child for well over a year. We trusted that she was making good decisions and assumed he was jealous because she isn't ADHD! The psychiatric hospital felt that her abandonment issues were not that significant, so she went inpatient. She was...
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    Any one here a member of a crime scene clean up crew?

    I used hydrogen peroxide on easy child's mattress, can't get the blood stains out, I was soooo flipped out by her episode that I let the blood sit for a week. There are stains all over the wall to wall carpeting in her room and a trail leading down the spiral staircase. When we kick the bucket and the...
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    We're absolutely floored, easy child has been cutting for a year...

    Last evening she used a razor (supplied by an 8th grader at school). I was alone with her and she went to her room, came down screaming about blood being everywhere. It was a frighteningly deep gash on the back of her forearm which required ten stitches. We spent the night in the ER because...
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    Thinking of you today, I hate that the fear of planted bombs has started again!
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    I haven't seen The King's Speech...

    but here is the original recording, thanks to the BBC. It makes me sad that so much of humanity is still living in times of war.
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    Would you be willing to share your recipes for sage cookies and rosemary apple pie?
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    Haven't had the Christmas spirit in decades....

    Doesn't help that husband was born 12/25! My cousin just sent me this link I thought I would share: A lot of us could use a laugh....
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    I'm proud of difficult child 1...

    He was driving behind a woman whose car was smoking, she turned into a shopping center and flames were coming from the bottom of her vehicle. He tried to save her car by running into Mr. Tire and getting a fire extinguisher. The car burst into flames, was a total loss. He came home and sAId "the...