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  1. Blighty

    Pregnant daughter update, dealing with family judgement

    Sounds like you are in a really trying situation. We can't control others! All we can do is detach with love. I would hope as part of her training she would understand what 'enabling' and co-dependency is, and the Karpman drama triangle: at the moment she is in the rescuer role for your...
  2. Blighty

    Benefits of not enabling….

    It's so lovely to hear how you can focus on your son and cherish his company and have a new understanding.:love_heart:
  3. Blighty

    2 children - 2 different feelings

    I hear your grief. Go gentle with yourself ❤️
  4. Blighty

    5-year-old boy who refuses to have his diaper changed. Need advice

    Hi I'm not an expert around this. With his latest habit what comes to me is that he is seeking a reaction from you. I could be wrong. If you can, I would think trying to not be phased by his reactions and behaviours, not getting drawn in to his games by using a blank face, and using...
  5. Blighty

    How can l stop feeling sorry for my 21 year old??

    I hear your grief Copa.
  6. Blighty

    Have i done the right thing?

    Hi Manda I hope you're finding your way. You'll find support in groups for loved ones of addiction like Alanon, Naranon, Smart Recovery Your local drug support service (councils have to provide them) may be able to sign post you to support services for loved ones too. Look for counselling...
  7. Blighty

    Runawaybunny sad news

    So sad to hear this. I was locked out too. Glad to see that I can now interact again. This site is so valuable. Thank you to everyone who continues to post on the site and for the work of the admins.
  8. Blighty

    Out of answers

    Hi there sooooo tired. So sorry that this is weighing heavily on you at the moment. I heard you say what you wanted; and that is to be able to enjoy life and have your own peace. You surely deserve that now. It sounds like she can take care of her son, but circumstances have changed. I don't...
  9. Blighty

    I am just tired. What do I do?

    You sound really tired about it all, a real drain on you. I hope you find your peace. In the end , we decide how much or how little we do, but if they can do it themselves I believe we should stand back and let them grow through dealing with challenges. So I am wondering if he is able to do the...
  10. Blighty

    Not sure if I should get involved

    It's a toughie. Reaching out ?? Or stirring the pot ? For me it would be; their relationship is their business to work out. It's easy to get dragged into drama, but it ain't my problem to fix. They are adults. So it's not something I would bring out into the open. But I don't have to pretend...
  11. Blighty

    Rock bottom for parents of difficult children? Do we need to hit it?

    Welcome JKL. I read your story and how your son's addiction has affected you over so many years. That addiction to the addict is sometimes called codependancy. Have you tried alanon meetings? You can do them online now. People will understand exactly how you are feeling there. Also this thread...
  12. Blighty

    Has anyone tried EMDR therapy?

    I made it through several of the lessons/weeks, but admit I got distracted with life as it takes quite a commitment of time. Its a fabulous resource and at no cost.
  13. Blighty

    Has anyone tried EMDR therapy?

    Thanks for sharing the audible offer Copa Just thought to mention there is a free mindfulness course here:
  14. Blighty

    Has anyone tried EMDR therapy?

    It's not a panacea. Works for some and not others.
  15. Blighty

    Our son passed away last Thanksgiving morning

    I am so sorry for the loss of your dear dear son a year ago. I hope your dear heart will hold onto the precious and beautiful times you shared together and you will know him when he was at his best and be released from the pain which came with his addiction.
  16. Blighty

    My son overdosed

    So sorry for your loss. You tried so very hard to make opportunities for him all his life. It's heartbreaking.
  17. Blighty

    How did I get here!

    Hi Sabrina I am so sorry that you lost your son in that way. It sounds devastating to have to deal with that and the choices your other son has made. So much sadness. Your path is not an easy one and one you did not choose. It sounds like you have a lot of grieving to do which counseling can...
  18. Blighty

    He was kicked out, again

    Brokeninside, my heart goes out to you. I feel the frustration. It resonates with my own on a similar matter. Same old, same old story. We can't change it.
  19. Blighty

    Conduct disorder and it’s toll on my family

    Welcome Taffina. My heart goes out to you. I don't know what it is like to be in your shoes. What I know is that raising a family who are so called 'normal' can be the hardest job in the world. So I know that when you tell us of the challenges and worries you face on a daily basis, with no...
  20. Blighty

    Lunar Eclipse and my cat

    So sorry for your loss.