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  • Users: ksm
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  1. K

    Another update on DGD and great grandson.

    It's been 15 months since she was charged with possession of meth and paraphernalia. And 12 months for possession and paraphernalia of marijuana. The court (municipal and district) both offered diversion. She has to go to outpatient substance abuse classes Monday thru Thursday from 6pm to 9pm...
  2. K

    DGD diversion update

    Well she must have made it to court yesterday. She now has an appointment tomorrow at 9am with her probation officer. So I still don't know what she will be obligated to do. Today is her 24th birthday. Last night I offered to pay for one month of car insurance. She hasn't had car insurance...
  3. K

    Questions about diversion programs

    Our granddaughter has court on Monday for charges a year ago for possession of meth and paraphernalia in her car. She has applied for a diversion program, and her court appointed attorney says that the judge has approved it, and in court she should be assigned a probation officer and learn what...
  4. K

    Things that make you go hmmm...

    Granddaughter hasn't been home since Saturday. She said she took a home covid test and it was positive. She sounded very sick., bit never called her doctor or sought treatment. Now she says she's at the end of it and wants to come home soon. My hubby and I are up to date on our covid vaccines...
  5. K

    The saddest thing I've heard...

    My granddaughter has spent the last two nights here, both times she came home after her son (3 years old) was asleep. She slept in both mornings, spent a lot of time in her room, and not much interaction with him. She left by 4:30pm yesterday. This morning he was up by 7am and she got up about...
  6. K

    Update on granddaughter and 3 year old great grandson

    ...also other issues of the seven and eight year old boy telling him inappropriate things. Yesterday he was calling people puta which is Spanish for w****. I told him that was a bad word and he should not say that to people. He says it's okay it's Spanish. The older boys other parents speak...
  7. K

    Finally back on...again...dgd update

    Dgd has court this week from being stopped and having drugs/paraphernalia in car...we are hoping that she will get drug court and have a chance to keep from having a felony. She has started a part time job as a server at a restaurant. But, not a lot of other positive steps happening yet. I...
  8. K

    I'm back on...and just in time!

    This has been the worst week ever. A brief history of our adopted granddaughter, a year and a half ago I traveled to Seattle area to bring home her 1.5-year-old son. At that time the baby's father was in jail for domestic battery and she was not coping well and asked for me to fly out and get...
  9. K

    DGD is at rehab this afternoon

    I am not feeling very hopeful. But praying that someone, even another addict, might give her a wake up call. She won't have her cell phone the first week. But is allowed to use a facility phone this week. We are allowed to leave messages, but unless it's important and involving her son, I...
  10. K

    DGD is to check in to rehab in 3 days

    I almost hate to get my hopes up... I mean I am glad we got to this point. But I can't let myself think this is one and done. Will appreciate prayers that she finds the help she needs. Newksm
  11. K

    DGD is to check in to rehab in 3 days

    I almost hate to get my hopes up... I mean I am glad we got to this point. But I can't let myself think this is one and done. Will appreciate prayers that she finds the help she needs. Newksm
  12. K

    Any ideas how/why addicts use a pocketknife?

    Most of you here know that our adopted granddaughter who's 22 and her son that is two have been living with us this year. Earlier today, she was getting ready for work and he went to her room and I was trying to get him ready to leave in the car with us. I went into the room to get him and he...
  13. K

    Question about home UA test kit

    I ordered a package of 5 test kits from Amazon that had a lot of positive reviews. I had not yet asked my DGD to take one. Yesterday after she went to work I noticed that she hadn't flushed. I tested the toilet water and it came back positive for meth and the. I really figured with the extra...
  14. K

    Things i wish i didnt know...

    I just found a partially eaten apple in my dtrs room. (Adopted granddaughter) She and her 2 year old have been living with us for several months. Grandson found it and started eating it...she saw him with it and didn't say anything. He ate most the apple, then gave the core for me to throw...
  15. K

    Need info on long term affects of meth use

    I have posted before on my daughter`s addiction and abusive relationship. To update, in June last year she, her boyfriend and their then 14 month old son, were evicted from their apartment here, and went to live with her biomom on the NE coast. We had adopted our granddaughters when she was 5 after...
  16. K

    DGD seems to be delusional and not getting better

    She is now home from the Northwest part of the country and with us in the central part of the states. She's been here three nights and is not getting any better. We have her son who is 21 months old with us and i had him since early December when she asked me to fly out and get him. Abusive...
  17. K

    DGD seems to be delusional and not getting better

    She is now home from the Northwest part of the country
  18. K

    DGD having psychotic break

    Quick back story... she, her boyfriend and their baby went to Seattle area in June this year to stay with her bio mom. They were baducally homeless here in our town and "wanted a fresh start" in a new location. But they never started adukting and or working in the lastv6 months, boyfriend was abusive...
  19. K

    DGD...the rest of the story...

    Today I found I found out that her boyfriend is in jail for 4th degree domestic violence. And she is the one that called the police, after having to go to two different neighbors homes to get someone to call the police. And this time she admitted the abuse to the police. A couple weeks ago, police...
  20. K that DGD wants something...she contacts us...

    As I said in an earlier post, DGD, who is multiple states away with Ggrand baby and abusive boyfriend, finally texted thru FB messenger. I askedher to call...but no phone...again. boyfriend must have broken a second phone since they have been there 5 months. She wants us to help her come home. Supposedly...