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  1. DarkwingPsyduck

    Son Update

    You'd be amazed at just how drastically different every aspect of an addict changes when in recovery... Early on, while I was still in withdrawal, I couldn't even imagine what normal was going to feel like. Hell, I was so sleep deprived, so sick, so worn down emotionally and mentally that I had...
  2. DarkwingPsyduck

    My Intro

    First of all, how do you make somebody volunteer? That is the exact opposite of volunteering... Predisposition to addiction is hereditary. Not every offspring of a drug addict will become a drug addict, and not every drug addict has drug addicted parents. My mother was addicted to crystal...
  3. DarkwingPsyduck

    Son Update

    It is difficult for an active addict to truly feel any kind of meaningful remorse. As I have said before, long term drug abuse can mimic all the traits of a personality disorder, even in those who don't actually have a personality disorder. We become sociopaths. Manipulative, bored easily...
  4. DarkwingPsyduck

    Son Update

    That's good. People have suffered enough on his account, and he shouldn't have the right to just call people to be abusive for no real reason. But ESPECIALLY not his own mother. If I had ever even dreamed of calling my mom a ":censored2:", I would've woken up and apologized. I am sorry you don't get...
  5. DarkwingPsyduck

    Son Update

    When my mom was still alive, I ALWAYS made sure to show her respect. If I had called her ":censored2:", she would have kicked the :censored2: out of me. And I would have deserved it.... Ticks me off to no end when I hear about, or see, somebody disrespecting their mother. He is fortunate enough to still...
  6. DarkwingPsyduck

    email from son in prison

    You should ALWAYS encourage improved behavior and thought processes, but you also need to protect your own emotional well being. Addicts relapse. A lot. Some never stop relapsing. Some never even experience a lapse in the first place. Unfortunately, it is what it is. The hardest thing for us to...
  7. DarkwingPsyduck

    I just threw out my 21 year old addict son

    I suggest leaving his belongings out for him. It's a symbolic gesture more than anything else. It is an assertion that he no longer has ANY business in your home. Not even for a couple of minutes to take his stuff. It projects your resolve on the matter. The most important thing you need to be...
  8. DarkwingPsyduck

    I just threw out my 21 year old addict son

    He is spiraling. You did the very best thing you could possibly do for him. It might be easy to fall into the "he IS my kid, so he IS my responsibility" thinking, but that is wrong. Well, it is accurate, but giving him money is now the responsible thing to do for him. The responsible thing is to...
  9. DarkwingPsyduck

    Should I confront my son??

    The safest bet is to assume every word from an active drug addict is a lie until proven otherwise. That might seem kind of harsh or unfair, but we certainly earn it. With just about every other person in life, you can mostly just assume things they tell you are true. If an addict tells you he...
  10. DarkwingPsyduck

    Waiting for the shoe to drop...

    A non-addict trying to understand the mind of an addict is a lot like a sane person trying to comprehend a delusional mindset. You can read about it all you want, but you can never really feel it. You cannot fix him. Nobody can fix him if he doesn't want to be fixed. He is in a hell, but one...
  11. DarkwingPsyduck

    Proud of Hubby

    She is pretty typical of a drug addict in that she sets herself up to fail. Been there. Sometimes we are consciously sabotaging ourselves, and other times it is subconscious. The prospect of facing life directly, without the aid of substances, is terrifying for any addict. And gets scarier the...
  12. DarkwingPsyduck

    Waiting for the shoe to drop...

    Thank you. Sorry I am not here too often. Twin sister finally got our of prison, and my uncle asks me to keep an eye on her. Last time she came home, 2 digital cameras, and a bunch of sentimental jewelry miraculously grew legs and walked right the :censored2: out the front door. I do still occasionally...
  13. DarkwingPsyduck

    Waiting for the shoe to drop...

    There's no such thing as a recreational addict. We have lost the ability to use substances recreationally, if we ever had it to begin with. The truth is that there is no cure, only remission. No matter how much clean time we accrue, we are constantly on the edge. Even fantasizing about using is...
  14. DarkwingPsyduck

    Son is tired of living-going to commit suicide tonight or tomorrow.

    It is a tough situation, I am sure. On one hand, of course you are worried about his safety, but giving in to threats sets a very bad precedent. It is emotional extortion, and is a common play in the addict handbook. Most people who genuinely wish to kill themselves do not tell people, as...
  15. DarkwingPsyduck

    Nothing is never easy...

    SSRI's are very tricky, and peculiar. They sometimes have the opposite effect than intended. When starting on these drugs, a good doctor starts out low, and slowly increases or changes the drug gradually, until a healthy balance in made. They can cause a rebound effect, where it only increases...
  16. DarkwingPsyduck

    It is what it is..

    You don't have to like him. Addicts aren't the easiest people in the world to like. We're insufferable, and poisonous. Only a fool would like getting caught in that :censored2: storm. You do love, and support him. That is what is important. Your love is unconditional, but your favor and trust should be...
  17. DarkwingPsyduck

    Is there no hope?

    Depression is a tricky thing. And widely misunderstood. When people get said, they use the term "depressed", but usually incorrectly. Being sad and upset is a response to come kind of incident in life. It is the normal, healthy response. The sadness eventually goes away with enough time, and...
  18. DarkwingPsyduck

    My son is in the hospital.

    Thank you. I needed to hear that. The truth is that she doesn't actually do anything to or against me. Just my aunt and uncle. But I cannot help being very protective of my aunt. There's nothing I wouldn't do for her. I only wish that she had the respect she so clearly earned, the entire time...
  19. DarkwingPsyduck

    My son is in the hospital.

    My twin sister was finally rearrested, 6 months after having absconded from drug court. For most of that time, she steered clear of us. Hitting us up only for money here and there. Not once asking about her daughter. Which is fine by me. I adore the kid, and she is better off without her mother...
  20. DarkwingPsyduck

    My son is in the hospital.

    It's nice to see you doing somewhat better. You sound less.... Frantic.