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  1. WaveringFaith

    How to help suicidal son who's 2 states away

    MWM- Such good points you make. Regarding my son's mental state, I can only speak on how he was when he was living with me, which was up until 2 months ago. He was much in touch with reality, never acted schizophrenic. He's very intelligent and all my friends that had ever met him thought he was...
  2. WaveringFaith

    How to help suicidal son who's 2 states away

    You are so right COM. I will work on this today. But maybe after the flash flood warning in my neighborhood is canceled lol. Raining cats and dogs! In a way, it's comforting. The power went out earlier and I was just sitting here in the dark with my little dog in my lap, and all we could do was...
  3. WaveringFaith

    How to help suicidal son who's 2 states away

    Thank you all so much for your loving words and for the support and advice. I always feel better after I hear I am not alone. My text conversation with difficult child continued until late in the night and I finally had to tell him I needed to get to bed, when he continued on with his words of hopelessness...
  4. WaveringFaith

    Nothing new

    JKF, sending you hugs of support and strength. I am going through the same thing as we speak. This evening I had contact with my difficult child who is currently living 2 states away. He is suicidal and I have no earthly idea where he is staying. He is acting desperate and hopeless and is saying he hates...
  5. WaveringFaith

    How to help suicidal son who's 2 states away

    Hello friends. I am having a very difficult time coping tonight. My 21 yr old difficult child son recently moved 2 states away to the state we used to live in, and where he went to high school. This was supposed to be the move that would finally improve things for him. He tried living with me, then my...
  6. WaveringFaith

    My 20 yr old clinically depressed son refuses help

    Thank you Laura- I have always thought the same thing! I wonder how I know and hear of other children that have horrible childhoods, abuse, violence, neglect.. And they seem to be able to live and function normally with productive happy lives. Yet my son who has been adored by myself, all of our...
  7. WaveringFaith

    I'm putting my son in your care

    Thank you so much for posting this COM. I also think it is no coincidence that you posted this on a day that I am struggling with worrying over my son who recently left home 2 states away. I never hear from him anymore, and only the worst scenarios go through my mind. But this is all we can do...
  8. WaveringFaith

    My 20 yr old clinically depressed son refuses help

    Hi Laura- I'm the original poster and I know exactly how you feel. Same boat here. I haven't posted anything since that last post, lots has happened. I finally had enough of the behavior (what you are currently going through) and had to give him a deadline to find and keep a job, or to start...
  9. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    Albatross that made me laugh! It's funny because it made me happy to know he was at a homeless shelter too! Oh the roller coaster of emotions with our difficult child's and the things we end up celebrating. Thank you for chiming in, you made me smile :)
  10. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    Wonderfully put, COM. And that example you gave put me on the edge of my seat. It is so similiar to the anxiety we feel with the difficult child's and the not knowing. Each day passed has gotten a little better as I am forced to accept the circumstances. It's just so hard when I picture him just a few years...
  11. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    MWM, Albatross, Blackgnat, Peg2, Tryagain: All of your words rings so true. I have truly accepted that I have no more control. I might have at one time, but no more. He is legally an adult, he has refused my help, and refuses to follow by the rules of my home. I must let him go. I did end up...
  12. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    LucyJ, thank you.. that really made me feel better. It was a tough night last night. But I prayed and tried to be calm and just know that I did the right thing. I felt like I walked on eggshells for so long because I always wanted to make his home here a happy one, thinking I had magical powers...
  13. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    Thank you COM. I feel in my heart it will be okay. Perhaps he does need to hit rock bottom in order to get better. I will look into support groups near me. Blessings to you :) Sent using ConductDisorders mobile app
  14. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    Thank you Calamity and Recovering, for your sweet words of support and comfort. I've had a really good cry, where I prayed that he will be safe and manage somehow. It's so weird, when I first looked in his room, I couldn't find his phone charger and that have me a small glimmer of hope...
  15. WaveringFaith

    Ending one horrible journey, beginning another.

    Hello friends. It has been about 6 months since I posted last about my difficult child. I haven't posted or commented, but I assure you I have been logging on each day and taking comfort in the various comments and advice I read. It still makes me sadly surprised just how many of us there are out there...
  16. WaveringFaith

    Hi Seeking, thank you for thinking of me! Things have been pretty up and down. difficult child's still...

    Hi Seeking, thank you for thinking of me! Things have been pretty up and down. difficult child's still living with my parents, got a job, and seeing a "life coach" that my mom set him up with there. It seemed all was going well, but just this past weekend he regressed back to same old crap. I hope you're...
  17. WaveringFaith

    Update on difficult child who recently moved out. Could it be?

    Thank you all for your encouraging words. All great thoughts. Ultimately it is his decision. As long as my parents keep providing him housing, I know he still won't be forced to know what if feels like to fend for himself. Perhaps that is what will shake him. Only time will tell. I ended up...
  18. WaveringFaith

    Update on difficult child who recently moved out. Could it be?

    I love that poem, so true. Thank you Scent.. I like the serenity prayer too. So much is out of our control, we can only have faith and just keep going.. <3
  19. WaveringFaith

    Update on difficult child who recently moved out. Could it be?

    Thank you Scent & helpangel. It does feel like I jinxed him by even talking about it, but I know that's ridiculous. It's been difficult knowing he's back to being the way he was in my home. You hate to see your child not being able to enjoy life, it's such a gift. I remember standing there...
  20. WaveringFaith

    Update on difficult child who recently moved out. Could it be?

    Thank you all for your advice. Well, if his sudden improvement seemed to good to be true, it was. Shortly after I posted this update about my difficult child's surprising turn for the best, my mom said he has since reverted back to being locked up in his room and only coming out rarely to eat. According to...