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  1. Tired out

    Birthday Party Disaster

    None of you were in the right. period. Looking for someone to blame? You can all look in the mirror. I feel badly for the 3 year old being shown these examples of adults. On the way to the party I would have stopped at the store and gotten the balloons and cake. I don't know why people have...
  2. Tired out

    One last post and I will leave you alone ;)

    I wonder what she would think of the studies done about pot induced paranoia. My son was really wacky when he was smoking pot. He came up with all kinds of weird ideas. The don't call it wacky tobaccy without reason! He hasn't smoked in a few months and seems to be "normalizing". He is still a...
  3. Tired out

    One last post and I will leave you alone ;)

    Busy-- I wonder what your daughter would say if you asked. "I understand how you feel about the inoculations. How would you feel if your son came down with the sickness? And say he recovered BUT while he was contagious he gave it to an immune compromised child an that child died? My son has...
  4. Tired out

    Just won’t stop, at a loss

    Big warm hug sent to you. I hope some one, some how can get through to him.
  5. Tired out

    Hi, new here

    How far away from home did your son apply/accept college enrollment? Maybe he is just stressed and getting cold feet about the future. Gap year--I'm not a huge fan of that, it too easy to get out of study habits and not get back into good ones. Maybe you and your son can take another trip to...
  6. Tired out

    Hi, new here

    You will read a lot here. Don't absorb things you read here and think that your son is doing the same thing. Try to keep perspective on the situation. I had to step a way from this site for a while becasue I found myself thinking more negatively of my son than what he was actually doing. He is...
  7. Tired out

    After Easter

    NewStart, You daughter sounds a lot like my son. I know he presents a different face to people than the one we see. He also doesn't want his girlfriend around us. He says she doesn't want to be around us. I am sure he has told her lies that (he lies all the time) he doesn't want found out. I...
  8. Tired out

    Finally got to see granddaughter and briefly my daughter after 9 months

    I'm surprised your daughter doesn't offer for you to take your grandaughter with you. She doesn't want her son so why not make this little girl's life better and let you have her at least until she is ready to be a real mom. I am glad you had a good visit with your grand. I hope there will be...
  9. Tired out

    My son's a gangster, kidnapper , a killer, and maybe more.

    This is confusing. Has your son come into your life now? Found you through a search, adoption records? Or did family have him?
  10. Tired out

    At my wits end with my 24 year old son

    Huggs sent your way. It is so tough. I have found that my hubby. Who is my difficult son's dad is my best support. He has gone through all the stages over our son.. denial, anger, grief,not he is at disappointment and annoyance. I am still on grief and fast tracking to annoyance now. Good luck.
  11. Tired out

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing. My son-in-law owns rental properties and he has had some lu-lu tenants and it has take 2 months to get them out. Well they need to live somewhere. Them paying rent and food should be first on their list. What would be the alternative? He is not welcome to move in here, No way in hel*.
  12. Tired out

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing.

    ...get an eviction notice if it doesn't get paid and the unemployment $ didn't go in yet. I called and she said she will call me back. And I work for ***** staffing and the place I was working they got a machine to do our job and I didn't have work this week. I go to another place on Monday...
  13. Tired out

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing.

    OH MY GOD. So..He texts this morning...Help me please. I am going to get evicted. I showed his dad we have talked about the whole situation. He has been making decent money and blowing it. I am so fed up. HELP!!!!
  14. Tired out

    Advice on my 30 year old son

    And so you think you shouldn't have given him the $8000 he wanted to start over in the other country? Are there no jobs in the other country or no jobs HE feels are worthy of him? I was playing the same game as you are (until 3 days ago) when I gave my son the ultimate to meet me at the bank to...
  15. Tired out

    Any plans for the week/weekend?

    Hubby has Friday off. Daughter and her hubby will be here for food Easter Sunday. Daughter and I did Whole 30 for the month of March. Neither of us have been much for adding all the junk in we took out so most of the meal will be Whole 30 compliant and then there is cheesecake! Both hubbies...
  16. Tired out

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing.

    I have missed you too. I was looking for an update on your son. He may try BUT he will have to come to the house- I blocked him on my cell. I don't want to hear it ding and be afraid to look at it! I am tired of my blood pressure and nerves spiking when I hear the generic tone. People I want...
  17. Tired out

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing.

    Well. Here I am. I stayed away for a while. I decided I needed to observe our situation and try not to read into things my son said/text by inserting (in my head) things I was reading here. The short of it is. I could have saved myself a lot of money and grief by listening to SWOT right off the...
  18. Tired out

    Evicting an Adult Child

    I hope you kick him to the curb. My son pulled a lot of the same things as yours. stole from us, went through our things. no remorse. His dad called him out, he swore at his dad and walked out said he wasn't coming back. He came back the next day (actually tried to call me all night but I had...
  19. Tired out

    What do I do?

    Pixie, You aren't alone. I wish I had an answer for you. Sounds like a medical professional may be needed. Could be be depressed, had some drama at school? Or has he always been like this and just progressed to the point of being out of hand? Will he talk to you if you ask him, Whats wrong? Why...
  20. Tired out

    Yesterday was a good day

    Good luck. I hope he continues to improve.