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  1. detachingmother

    Son now facing prison after release from Drug Rehab

    Yes it's a long time for him. Although now he said he did suboxone in jail or rehab, wasn't sure which place. He lies a lot. Very typical addict behavior. He is a non-violent criminal. Petty thief mostly. Although the possible prison charge comes from a felony with him stealing a...
  2. detachingmother

    Son now facing prison after release from Drug Rehab

    Now a bigger problem. Day before fathers day, he got caught on a phone face-timing online with girlfriend and baby. They told him he would probably be kicked out the following Monday. He lost all sense and LEFT rehab. He called my mother and she picked him up. He spent Father's day with girlfriend and...
  3. detachingmother

    Been a while

    Just stop this lol. People curate these pages to appear to be whatever they want. really, you don't know what is going on there...the kid who got engaged, might look good on the surface...but, who knows, maybe she or he is marrying a pedophile The couple who went on a vacay alone, who knows...
  4. detachingmother

    Went Too Far, The Saga Continues...

    My first thought when I read this was, hmmmm....go with the seizure disorder and get some seizure medications for daughter. Many of the seizure medications act like antidepressants and mood stabilizers. I sometimes use whatever creative ways I can conjure up to get the end goal done. Anyway.... I get it...
  5. detachingmother

    I cannot stand my son right now

    Ugh. As I read your story, I totally understood the "hate my kid" deal. Although mine is now 25, just wanted to say I still feel like that at times. The difference now is that I refuse to let myself go in the process of his madness. You must take care of yourself. Let go in some ways just...
  6. detachingmother

    Son in rehab for 40 more days, next stop prison

    Son in rehab for 40 more days, next stop prison
  7. detachingmother

    Son now facing prison after release from Drug Rehab

    Just an update. Son is sober now for 6 months. Has 40ish days left in inpatient treatment. Now we found out the other day that he has a warrant for his arrest when he gets out of rehab, and was told by his probation officer to enjoy one half of a weekend with his daughter (he gets out on a...
  8. detachingmother

    I called CPS on Sons girlfriend with new baby today

    Incidentally, looking back over the past few weeks. I see the father wanted all of this done, but he didn't want to be the bad guy. New Leaf sort of eluded to this, but I see this is what happened. In a way he was the bad guy anyway, bc they all know he talked to the CPS worker and was not on...
  9. detachingmother

    I called CPS on Sons girlfriend with new baby today

    Good News! CPS did show up the very next morning after I posted the initial post, and by early afternoon I was in the car on the way to pick up grand baby. The GFs father stuck close to the home bc he knew I had called. He was there when the CPS worker showed up and verified the validity of...
  10. detachingmother

    Update - the more things change, the more they stay the same

    Oh yeah...youre right. CPS can be an utter waste of tax payer money and time. I did it anyway, knowing this, but i really feel I was left with no choice. In this case I feel i need to start establishing something fast, as truly girlfriend is a real honey bee...not.
  11. detachingmother

    Update - the more things change, the more they stay the same

    oh I am again. I just posted that I called CPS on Son's girlfriend already. Seems we are having similar problems. Grand baby problems I mean. Mine are just beginning. I can only hope to get some free alone time with mine. So far it hasn't happened. I went to search the threads and...
  12. detachingmother

    I called CPS on Sons girlfriend with new baby today

    Not sure if I should put this here in the substance abuse section. But it has to do with my son's baby's mother and it's my son's drug abuse that got us here, so here it is. Got a call from Gfs mother today that the girlfriend and her sister had a physical fight. The sister was trying to stop girlfriend from...
  13. detachingmother

    Progress-- but slow going

    Yes, I am lucky to be in Michigan--so is son for that matter. It could be like South Carolina, where dad's are not as important as Mom's. Michigan recognizes both parental rights at all costs, and grand parents rights, thank God. Thanks. However, While we have grandparents rights, in 2013 I...
  14. detachingmother

    Progress-- but slow going I think just her knowing I will make her pay every last penny she has..., if she attempts this and I think and hope that will back her down. ***son is doing daily video visits with his baby...he made baby laugh yesterday, I think the first laughing cute and happy he has this...
  15. detachingmother

    Progress-- but slow going up any right to ever say there's a possibility that it's not his...but he feels strongly she's his and I am going to do what he wants done. ***Side Note in Michigan, this can also be done through the Department of Human Services, for free if the mother tries to receive any public...
  16. detachingmother

    Progress-- but slow going

    Quick history as I haven't been here in awhile. Sorry in advance as this is long and probably confusing... 25 yr old mentally ill/substance abusing son went to jail for 4 months, then immediately onto a 90 day intensive inpatient treatment center (first time in IITC, countless under a year non...
  17. detachingmother

    Resentment toward son and him having a baby on the way

    Thanks Leafy!! You too. Enjoy your weekend. I will be working, but that's fine too. :)
  18. detachingmother

    Resentment toward son and him having a baby on the way

    Finally, a good day. Put a few bucks on son's account after taking another "break". No arguing, no demands...a little respect goes a long way, he is learning albeit he's a slow learner. He said the books I sent him a month ago were good (Man's Search for Meaning Viktor Frankl-and The Five...
  19. detachingmother

    The reality of prisons. Please dont read if you dont want to know.

    These people were "extorting" money from inmates, often giving them items they wanted for the money, sometimes not. I still have no idea how they couldve been getting money from inmates, maybe family members on the outside, maybe taking their money orders or something...I don't know. They were then...
  20. detachingmother

    Shadow Daughter

    Thank you again, Leafy. I am going to be ok, yes, and you are too. As I read through some of your old posts, it's clear we all do go up and down the on the roller coaster ride of emotions. You will get your armor back on and pull those tools out and get to strengthening yourself again. The...