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    Missing Daughter....wondering what to do? Does it get easier???

    I dont believe she has been sexually abused by anyone. My husbands brother is mildly mentally handicapped, I'm not sure if that counts. I had severe depression starting in my teens. I think she maybe doing Marijuana and drinking because the last time I saw her she had gained a lot of weight...

    Missing Daughter....wondering what to do? Does it get easier???

    I appreciate all the replies. The funny thing was my daughter posted on FB and them my girlfriend called me. Daughter and I discussed it, she hung up on me and has cut me off from phone, email and text. I am very shocked that this is the first time in our life I have gone this long without...

    Missing Daughter....wondering what to do? Does it get easier???

    Thank you Nature, I appreciate it. There are days I definitely need a sounding board. My sons graduating in 3 week from HS, so I have tried to concentrate on him. I have him set up with disability services at the JC here and he is receiving an award/scholarship on Thursday. I am so excited...

    Missing Daughter....wondering what to do? Does it get easier???

    Thank You, Kalahou I was on another forum that just seemed like I was invisible....possibly wrong forum for me. Anyway, Thank you for responding as my Zoo here in Cali is asleep, I could cry myself to sleep.....but going to go to bed, say my prayers, and leave it in Gods Hands. I do believe...

    I Really Detest Mother's Day.

    Im in CA too and nothing from daughter.....I'm with you!:sorrysmiley:

    I Really Detest Mother's Day.

    First Mothers Day without anything from daughter wondering if it is a sign of things to come. Didnt get a birthday card either....she said i did not deserve it.....wish my own mother was here she always kept everyone in check.:fishbashsmile: My hubby just gave me a card that stated i was the...

    Missing Daughter....wondering what to do? Does it get easier???

    My daughter is 21 years old, In High school she tried to hurt herself in her senior year. She tried this in class, was handcuffed sent to a hospital and then to hospital two hours away for three days. She came back and we have seen three psychologists and tried numerous drugs. She was...

    Concentrating on my sons graduation. Miss My daughter, nothing for mothers I expected.

    Concentrating on my sons graduation. Miss My daughter, nothing for mothers I expected.