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  1. Nature

    Maybe I'm Awakening too?

    For over 15 years I've dealt with my son's addictions that my own brain has been in a fog. Suffering from PTSD for his past behaviours and fearing for my own safety from my child was heart wrenching.The constant worry and lack of sleep deeply affected me and the stress plays havoc on one's body...
  2. Nature


    RN said: We feel their pain more than they do. How true! Lets face it addicts are manipulative and often only think of themselves while we on the otherside have a tremendous amount of pain and heartbreak. Often our children have numbed their feelings as a result of their addiction and slowly...
  3. Nature

    Not sure what to say

    I'm so sorry you are going through this and my heart goes out to you. I understand the helplessness of speaking to our child hearing their words and fearing they are in a desperate state and not being able to get through to them. You mentioned your child works if I read that correctly? That in...
  4. Nature

    Robbing for drugs - update on 15 year son

    I understand your pain and frustration. I remember finding out that as a parent of a child who was 15 at the time I was not the one who could get him into rehab - it had to be him making the call and informing them he wanted in. His dad and I were horrified it worked this way and questioned why...
  5. Nature

    A step backwards for him and me

    I agree it could have derailed him but it didn't and the fact that he had two interviews coming up shows he wants to keep moving forward. Breathe a little easier now and allow your mom heart to rest a while from the fear and anxiety it's experienced. Enjoy your vacation and return with renewed...
  6. Nature


    Thank you everyone that left comments and words of encouragement. I should correct myself and say son mowed the lawn not moved the lawn but I suspect all of you realized it was a typo. Again, not everything is 100% rosy. The day after I posted this - they had slept in when I arrived...
  7. Nature

    Talking to my son is like fingernails on a chalkboard!!!

    I have no words to comfort you but I can relate to your post. I suspect many of us can. My son was like that when he had taken Meth....I couldn't keep up with his conversations which were rambled messes and he too had a sense of importance. Yes, it was like nails on a chalkboard. I feel for you...
  8. Nature

    A Sighting

    You are such a wise woman Leafy who has such inner beauty in her soul. You help so many others with your insightful words. Thank you for that.
  9. Nature

    A tough question to answer ...

    Elsi you are my sister in spirit! You answered honestly and truthfully in a way that your son understood your reasoning. Ironically ,my son and I had that same conversation a few years ago. At that time I told him I was feeling sad because he was so different when he was under the influence of...
  10. Nature


    I mentioned thinking of the Robert DeNiro movie when viewing my son and his friend in their recovery process...they are awakening. There is a bit of humour involved as I watch it unfold and I thought I'd share some lighter moments I've observed with these two. a·wak·en·ing /əˈwāk(ə)niNG/ noun...
  11. Nature


    Thank you Elsi I appreciate your kind words.
  12. Nature

    Trip to Memphis

    Your post made me smile. Thank you for sharing this good news with us. I'm so happy for you and your family. The part about his friend whom was kicked out of the program yet showed up to the Celebrate Recovery may have a deep meaning for your son. It allowed him to "see" what drugs does to a...
  13. Nature

    A Sighting

    Thank you for your post ...."that's the way it is".
  14. Nature


    RN you are 100% correct. I think I was taking too much on of THEIR problem. I was worried this would be a set back in their recovery but then have to remind myself that without the appointments at the clinic ...they would not be able to handle a job so the clinic appointments are a priority...
  15. Nature

    I don't know what to do...

    I'm so sorry you are going through this. It's so difficult watching a loved one going down the wrong path and feeling helpless to stop them. Reading your post I got the impression your granddaughter cares a great deal about your impression of her and thus avoids anything negative about her...
  16. Nature

    Holding back and trying to let go

    You weren't venting you were thinking out loud. The majority of us have heard that conversation many times in our own heads. If only our children knew the torment we go through when we don't hear from them. Yes, it is their lives but we can't help but continue to love them. I hope your mind...
  17. Nature

    A step backwards for him and me

    Will be thinking of you and sending positive thoughts your way.
  18. Nature

    It’s always something

    Hi Elsi, I really like that advice that was given to you. That nurse was very insightful. Sigh those phone calls they rip your heart apart don't they? On one hand our minds can't stop thinking about them and we often fret when they don't respond to calls then when they do and it's full of anger...
  19. Nature

    I need to be tied to the mast.

    Hi Copa,. I had the same worries as you when my kid was on the streets. I couldn't allow myself to be happy when my son was somewhere out there in the cold. Notice I said "I couldn't allow myself to be happy?" Yes, I took his problems on as my own but as a mom who'd want to see their child...
  20. Nature

    D Day is upon us.

    So happy for you and your family.