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  1. T

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) daughter still in jail begging to be bonded out. i told her noone will do it she needs help...

    Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) daughter still in jail begging to be bonded out. i told her noone will do it she needs help its the only way.i feel bad its.
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    what do you think

    I am 100% alone in this ever on going issue with my Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) daughter. I have no friends suffer depressiin and major anxiety from everything that has hapoened through out my life. I am pretty much homeless. I dont know where to turn. I am not perfect by any means as a person, parent or friend. I dont...
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    what do you think

    she was diagnosed with bipolar with psychotic features at age 7. in her childhood she had spent more time in residential treatments than at home. eventually yhe psychotic features was taken off her diagnosis. simce her Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) she is exempt of realistic emotions for certain situations. totally void...
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    what do you think

    she was to have an appointment monday with a nuerologist. because of her Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). she hasnt had an mri/brain scan since this happe ed in may. we need to know extent if the Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI). i do know this, she is not the same as she was, almost vacant of any attatchment and emotion. its scary the look that was on her...
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    what do you think

    thank you for saying this.
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    what do you think

    its thanksgiving and i spent the day with my mom and her boyfriend family. i feel very lost at time being and very much alone. my daughter and her Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) has suffocated me now since may and i dont know how to get back to happier. i do have an appointment with theraposy in dec. i need help through this all. i...
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    what do you think

    should i write a letter to judge with past history and current status of my Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) daughter along with the facts she refuses help of all kinds
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    feeling like i am betraying her

    feeling like i am betraying her
  9. T

    AMEN to this system.statement. everywhere i turn i get she doesnt qualify for help with us.

    AMEN to this system.statement. everywhere i turn i get she doesnt qualify for help with us.
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    i feel the same way. i love my adult daughter. maybe i am homding her back from getting help i...

    i feel the same way. i love my adult daughter. maybe i am homding her back from getting help i feel like its my fault
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    i cant stop crying over this whole thing. the system has failed her and now i feel i am

    i cant stop crying over this whole thing. the system has failed her and now i feel i am
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    where do i go

    she currently is in jail on charges from attacking me and choking me. she will not be able to come back to where we were living because there will be a protective order against her for me. it is hard to do but i honestly didnt think she would try to kill me. i have to.protect myself. i am...
  13. T

    where do i go

    she i jected my insulin in may. trying to kill herself. instead of killing herself she survived defying expectations of all doctors and staff. now i am left with the results. i can not physically handle.her strength of thor. i have diabeties...and at the moment can not move shoulder. the day before...
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    where do i go

    her 1st court date will be 12/01/17. as far as i understand genpop. she is in the local county jail. officer that was involved said the family needs to go to court dstes and let judge know of the extent and history of her mental health issues. i have been trying since labor day when she was...
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    where do i go

    this just happened 2 days ago. i am tearful sad and feel amgry.
  16. T

    new to this, needing help

    new to this, needing help
  17. T

    where do i go

    i am a mother of a 24 yr old daughter who has Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) as a result of trying to kill herself using my insulin, in may of this year. she is currently in jail due to trying to kill me by strangulation and battery. how do i ensure that she recieves the rigbt care or do i even after this event.