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  1. Shelley

    Feeling guilty & blah

    You are really doing well for a newbie, you daughter is quite young. You set a very important boundary she needs to learn, society is less forgiving than we parents and these behaviors with someone else will get her in real trouble. Never tolerate violence. Pot these days causes severe mood...
  2. Shelley

    Feeling guilty & blah

  3. Shelley

    I just read this in my low moment... it helps!

    Thank you! I am reading a work book on codependency. Shocking how difficult it is for me to focus on myself. I can do anything for someone else, time to change
  4. Shelley

    Adult addict theft

    I would file charges for my son more then myself because I know if I let him get away without consequences the next crime will have more serious consequences. Very hard to do but sometimes we need to stop feeling sorry for them and parent them. They are pushing us to set the boundaries
  5. Shelley

    Adult addict theft

  6. Shelley

    Another casualty of addiction

    Awful sad story! I can't see what benefit prison is in this circumstance
  7. Shelley

    Processing Anger at Addict/Alcoholic

    I do say what I feel to my son when I lose my cool, he loses his cool with me plenty. I refuse to walk on egg shells anymore, he needs to know I am real and hurting that is part of a relationship.
  8. Shelley

    Who Says Pot is not Addictive?

    Young and stupid.
  9. Shelley

    My son the addict

    Unfortunately, and I say unfortunately with emphasis when kids are in the mix, you are placing a safety net allowing their behavior to continue because of your concern for those kids. Find an al anon group quickly. I can't tell you what I would do, I would be inclined to take in my grandkids...
  10. Shelley

    I just read this in my low moment... it helps!

    This website is a but awkward to navigate particularly from a phone. The good news is I got through 3 days of my son missing by reading this post. The police found him wandering after the hospital released him. I have not seen him nor do I think I can handle it right now. He most likely...
  11. Shelley

    I just read this in my low moment... it helps!

    That is very difficult
  12. Shelley

    I just read this in my low moment... it helps!

    IN MY SAD MOMENT OF PRAYER I FOUND THE LETTER BELOW FROM ANOTHER MOM TO GIVE ME HOPE AND GET ME THROUGH ANOTHER NIGHT Your actions and parenting are not what caused your child to become an addict. Perhaps there are things that you would do differently if you had it to do over. But keep in mind...
  13. Shelley

    Prayers Needed

    I pray for your strength and insight as well as his recovery
  14. Shelley


    We tried to get him into detox again, he won't go because he is caught up in the addiction and my fear is what he will eventually do to get drugs. He has yet to commit a crime other than using. He has been sober for a year at a time while institutionalized and he does have Schizophrenia...
  15. Shelley

    How has this affected your marriage or relationship with SO?

    Boy can I relate to this. Same husband! I have pulled back from him with resentment because he also believes in moving on! I always blamed this on the fact he is the stepfather since my son was 2 years old but that is a long long time.
  16. Shelley


    My son is 40. He is a Schizophrenic Meth addict, Meth came first. He is conserved for grave disability with San Diego County and he has housing which is horrible and case management. He does well in locked facilities, within a month of discharge he relapses. I have replaced his eye glasses...
  17. Shelley

    I did not find him. I drove for 4 hours. Scary!

    I did not find him. I drove for 4 hours. Scary!
  18. Shelley


    I can feel my heart race I have so mich anxiety right now. I filed a police report after the hospital released my son to the street, psychotic, no money or food or phone! They released him 30 miles from where his group home is and he hasn't lived in SD very long. I am going hunting for him...