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  • Users: Janna
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  1. Janna

    therapist making referral to psychiatrist

    Every psychiatrist is different, Andy. So, I don't know what your psychiatrist will do to determine medications. The *good* ones I've had - they have met with D for an initial evaluation (typically a 1 hr visit) to gather history, behaviors, maybe gather school information, etc. Whatever you have I'd bring with you...
  2. Janna

    therapist making referral to psychiatrist

    The last agency we dealt with, their rules were to see psychiatrist for medications, you MUST have therapy with therapist as well. Their idea behind this rule is because if your child is on psychiatric medications, they need counseling or some type of therapy behind that. Really, it's a good thought. medications...
  3. Janna


    Oh, oh, I wanna come!! Pweeeeze. Lets see - I'll bring you a new set of pots and pans with utensils. I love new pots and pans. What are we gonna eat? LOL! I'll bring chocolate and wine. I'm so happy for ya, MWM! Congrats, my friend.
  4. Janna

    We bought the most beautiful trailer...and I"m still a mess

    OH YAY!!! I am so so so so so so happy for you! Woohoo, you go, MWM! Please make sure you put up pics. Congratulations, hon. I'm so happy, relieved and thankful to hear it all worked out for you.
  5. Janna

    meltdown over a chip

    Jena, Did you ask her WHY she was tantruming? What was she saying while she was throwing her fit? Anything? You know, I'm in the pick apart mode right now with my own, so here's what I'd be thinking. WHY did she throw the tantrum? Seriously, over the chip? So, here's my thoughts: No...
  6. Janna

    psychiatrist / new medications today

    I wouldn't go back. Honestly. Some psychiatrists do more harm than good, and this psychiatrist is bogus. Sometimes, nothing is better than garbage. Here's my thoughts on the medications, anyway - Adderall is good for ADHD for some. But, I can tell you J took it, it caused increased anger and aggression (side...
  7. Janna

    Daughter threw uncharactoristic fit when she heard we're moving to trailer park

    Yeah, if you need stabilization, MWM, I think you should go, too. They need you mentally healthy. I don't really have advice here. I like Marg's post, and the things she said. This is true, it's NOT all about N. It's about the entire family. She's still going to be in the same school. She is...
  8. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    We tried the 5_HTP. I did that because the M.T. at the Autism social skills playgroup said it was really good as a "chill pill". Just didn't do anything. I mean, nada....and we had him on for about 2 months. Chris, I'd love to know if you have any benefit, and what dose. Let me know when...
  9. Janna

    I went off on my daughter

    MWM, You, of all people I know, are NOT a rotten mom. You have done NOTHING BUT advocate, fight and work your rear end off for your children. I know it, people here know it, and you know it. I think you're incredible. I'm so sorry about the credit score/house ordeal. We are going through...
  10. Janna

    Good Tuesday Morning

    Good morning! Sharon, enjoy that nice weather! How lucky you are!! Send some of that here. LOL! LDM, I'm glad you got some sleep. Enjoy your get together. Sounds like it'll be fun! Marg, I love that you're pampering yourself. Funny husband didn't notice. Yes, typical guy! Have fun with your...
  11. Janna

    He almost messed up the test

    Ha! Funny kid :) Fingers crossed it works out for you.
  12. Janna

    Leave it to a difficult child husband...

    Wow. I'm really sorry. I think, for once, I'm speechless. Is husband sleeping out back? I hear there are some very good tents on sale this time of year.
  13. Janna

    Somebody hurt my daughter!!!

    ((((SHAWNA)))) Sending hugs. I'm so sorry. I'm glad some of the panic has subsided. I know your mommy heart hurts. Try to get some rest. I know it's so hard.
  14. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    I think that's what this psychiatrist thinks, too. Isn't Strattera an SSRI, also? We tried that way back when - sheesh, now I don't even recall what happened with that. Or is that something else? Couldn't have been too great, I don't think he was on it very long.
  15. Janna


    I'm sorry to hear this, klmno. Sending supportive, gentle hugs your way.
  16. Janna

    Week 1 therapist/psychiatrist & Zoloft ??'s

    We held our one week review today. therapist/psychiatrist/myself/D and our MH/MR worker. D is doing MUCH better, thank God, with his initial anxiety of being placed. The first few days were very, very rocky, but the last several have been good. His spirits are much better, much happier - many gripes, but...
  17. Janna

    Good Ab Work Out Videos?

    Well, I got this Slim in 6 by Beach Body from a friend, I'm borrowing it. It promises to see results in 6 weeks. There's 3 programs, 2 weeks each. The first is only 23 minutes or so, with alot of butt, ab and arm work. Needless to say, I did it once and my buttocks (glutes, that is) STILL hurt...
  18. Janna

    Officially diabetic

    Mary, I'm very sorry you received this news. I think you shouldn't let this get you down. Keep on losing your weight and doing what you are doing. You can still cut the cholesterol problem, the blood pressure problem, and keep your blood sugar at a rate where you're healthy. Keeping...
  19. Janna

    Think I might have

    *giggle* - silly lady! Good for you, though! Think of all those calories you burned! Woohoo! I'm going to start a 5 mile every day outside, plus my in home 3 miles. Just as soon as it warms up, because I'm not going out in the cold! LOL! Take a hot bath :)
  20. Janna

    Anyone know where to get FHA mortgage with 600 credit?

    You may want to look in the local papers for those types of lenders. But, know there is a difference between a lender giving you money to buy a stick built home and a lender giving you money to buy a doublewide. So, for a home for example, you could try your local XYZ lender. But, if you'd go...