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  • Users: dayatatime
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  1. dayatatime

    Casual conversation about kids

    I've been thinking lately that with people I meet in the workplace or other casual, temporary relationships I may stop acknowledging that I have a child. It's easy small talk for most-- do you have kids? how many? what are they studying? what do they do? I love my son, obviously. But this...
  2. dayatatime

    Gave my son is documents/wants college but no way

    I have been pretty firm with boundaries with my son. I'm just honestly not interested in talking to him. He wanted his ss card and birth certificate-- I have put him off every time in the past when he has asked for them because they aren't safe with him and the things he plans to do with them...
  3. dayatatime

    New boundaries and birthday pain

    I feel the need to be in touch with people who can relate to my experiences of parenting. Today is my son's 19th birthday. I gave custody to the state about two and half years ago because I could not control.... what could I not control.... anything? Yes, I admitted I could not control...
  4. dayatatime

    Kicked my son out, foster care, fear all just feels like such a long story. Just threw my 18-year-old only child out again. He is in foster care for my safety and my mental health- he used to be very out of control (violent around the house)- so he has another home to go to. After I gave up custody he was able to spend a...
  5. dayatatime

    How to Have a Relationship with Son in Residential Treatment Center (RTC)

    Hello, I haven't posted in a couple months. My difficult child (16)-- Brief recap of the past year is-- had him arrested as a last ditch attempt to have treatment mandated, he failed out of outpatient, ran from inpatient, was expelled from day treatment-- with help of day treatment therapist and PO...
  6. dayatatime

    call from rehab

    My son (16) just called me from rehab. He's be there 6 days. I'm crying. Not sure why I feel so heart broken. Something is just kicking in. How I have been feeling is just like there's too much life coming at me, like it all needs to slow down. Like I need a week to lay on my sofa. While...
  7. dayatatime


    My difficult child (16) was most recently in a hospital based day treatment program for substance, anxiety, and ODD. (He got kicked out last week.) His main drug of choice of is "just" weed. Honestly, if he could smoke weed like a "normal" person it wouldn't even bother me much…. say if I thought he was...
  8. dayatatime


    I think I want to write to feel less alone. And because I feel so hardened that it's frightening. difficult child (16 yrs old) starts day treatment tomorrow. His probation officer helped us skip forward in the intake line. So- more support is around teh corner, maybe. PO's plan is that from ther ehe...
  9. dayatatime

    Anyone with experience turning to child protective services for help?

    Hello, I am less than shocked, but have been quite upset. It took difficult child less than 12 hours to run away from the inpatient rehab I just worked my butt off for a month trying to get him into. Outpatient said, go to day treatment or inpatient Day treatment said go inpatient Now we have failed...
  10. dayatatime

    almost admitted

    I'm reading around again and deriving some comfort from it. I could complain about the process of waiting for a bed to become ready for my 16 year old difficult child, but the real issue is maybe this: I have a hard time believing anyone. I don't want to be hard and skeptical.... but he got the bed today...
  11. dayatatime

    I think I've Found My People

    I've been reading posts all day. My emotions are confusing to me, but when I click on general parenting and general parenting topics are stuff like arrests, I feel relieved. That's what *my* general parenting is like. I don't feel so much like I can "talk" to my civilian friends right now...