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  1. S

    Manchild saga continues to worsen

    Tonight my manchild was admitted to the hospital for attempted suicide. He did this at my mother's house and I'm absolutely heartbroken. He took a bunch of ibprofen followed by Clorox. Why?? Why would he do this? I just can't wrap my head around it anymore.
  2. S

    Manchild saga continues to worsen

    Tonight my manchild was admitted to the hospital for attempted suicide. He did this at my mother's house and I'm absolutely heartbroken. He took a bunch of ibprofen followed by Clorox. Why?? Why would he do this? I just can't wrap my head around it anymore.
  3. S

    Manchild problems the saga continues

    Yesterday was a bad day, it made me realise how crucial it is to let the situation with my manchild go. I have found 3 locations for AA meetings near me and I plan to attend next week. My husband had a back injury from last week at work and decided it was no better yesterday so he went to the...
  4. S

    Manchild problems

    I'm so glad I just found this site. I've been trying to find local support groups to no avail. My son has always had behavior issues. My mother and grandmother would always step in to save the day. I belive this is why I am where I am today with my son. We (my husband and I, his step father) put...