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  • Users: Guilty Mom
  • Content: Threads
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  1. G

    What would you recommend when son gets out of rehab and is going to Sober living. Do you feel he nee

    Our son will be getting out of a 30 day rehab in our city. We have not talked with him. Do you have any suggestions if he should stay in our city or move away for sober living. He will have to work to pay for this. Waiting to hear ☺️
  2. G

    Guilty Mom

    So our son has been gone from our house for 2 weeks. We told him he couldn’t live with us. He has been staying at the Salvation Army. He got his stolen car back so he has wheels to get to work. Today we are having a birthday party for his grandma at our house. So we invite him or not. I figure...
  3. G

    Once addict always an addict ????

    ok I have posted before. As I said our son started drugs at age 16 and is now 33. He did serve one year in prison. As some of you know that is the most peace ever. He is always having to get a drivers license, social security card, loses his debit card and on and on. The most recent episode is...
  4. G

    Why is it so hard?

    Our son has been employed for three weeks. During that time we paid his car insurance, gifts to give family members, cigarettes...etc. Of course he knew he owed us money when he got his first check. He wasn’t at our house when he got his check. He was with a friend. Well he came home last night...
  5. G

    Guilty Mom

    Guilty Mom I desperately need help with detachment. Our 32 year old son has been an addict since age 16. Our family has been through hell. His diagnosis is Schizoaffective Disorder Bipolar type. Can get jobs but falls off the wagon and gets fired. He got his first check and we haven’t seen him...
  6. G

    Guilty Mom

    Ok so we have changed our locks on our home so that our 34 year old son cannot enter. He has been sleeping different places. Naturally it makes me uneasy to think of him and where he might be staying. He has only been out of our home for one week. The reason I am writing is that he works nearby...
  7. G

    Feeling guilty

    Our son who is 34 has been an addict since age 16. We have put bandaids and done everything to fix the trouble he has been in. Today we changed our locks and told him he could no longer live at the house. My chest is so tight I feel like I am having a heart attack and so sick to my stomach. Any...