We held our one week review today. therapist/psychiatrist/myself/D and our MH/MR worker.
D is doing MUCH better, thank God, with his initial anxiety of being placed. The first few days were very, very rocky, but the last several have been good. His spirits are much better, much happier - many gripes, but...
So, I make my nightly call to D. This is only day 4 :anxious: by the way.
He starts off telling me how roomie stole his MP3 player today. The kid claimed his mom sent it to him. D confronted him, staff took them in a room together, and D showed them the photos he had stored in there that were...
Well, it was high hopes there for B going into the military. Really would have been the best thing for him if he wasn't such a loser.
He was on probation when we initially went. The deal was, he'd be taken off early if he was going to enlist. Now, we went in and told Sgt everything (he...
because, I've heard several things. I suppose I could read the website, but I'd rather get it from people with experience.
I heard, initially, it was great for both BiPolar (BP) mania and depression. Then, I heard (God knows where) it doesn't do much for mania, mostly depression.
So, I'm wondering...
Well, we got there. Took a few weeks to get it all together, but he's in. We left here yesterday around 8 AM, I got home arund 8 PM.
Typical intake - signing my life away to releases and insurance documents and such. Met with psychiatrist and therapist together - both seem pretty nice.
I asked about...
a nightmare of video taping.
Rule - name calling or threats (threats, of course, really only applies to D, but it's in place for everyone) is a 10 minute time out. Been that way for, ohh....10 years?
So, yesterday, J throws a bad name D's way. I walk over, take his PSP out of his hand, he...
Good morning Sharon! Having the house to herself!! Lucky her. I'm glad you're getting a break from difficult child. I wish I could send D along. Enjoy your nap :)
In home therapist is doing her 4 hours today. We opted to continue her services even though D is going Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) - just to help with transition. J is...
Of course, I have a copy of every one. But, this time, it took me a while (what a surprise, eh?) to get current psychiatrist's referral for the Residential Treatment Facility (RTF).
If you remember my frustration with psychiatrist (at partial), she left 6 emails and 4 days worth of phone calls left unattended to. Not to mention my son being...
For those of you that have children that simply cannot let things go, I'm wondering what you do when the Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) type thoughts drive you batty.
Part of my problem is, with D, he worries and obsesses over things that are trivial (to most of us, anyway), but the things that are severe (again, to...
So sad...
psychiatrist can't do anything. Has no suggestions. Wants to tirate off Seroquel (even though I said twice in the meeting today I wanted to talk about increasing it). Mentioned Thorazine (uhh, after hearing side effects, no thanks - I don't need my kid's eyes rolling around in his head...
B and I have been spending time visiting recruiters. Today, we saw a Sargaent with the Army, and B has made his choice.
He will go active, full time, into the Army.
I got the basics today. He will go in as an E3 because of his 2 years with ROTC. He will get paid, we got the salary part, the...
psychiatrist is willing to talk to me. Oh well, whatever I have to do. I received several emails from her today. The nicest after she found out I filed a complaint. Whatever's necessary....she's pleasant and communicative and I can be the same.
She believes the issues are related to "a Bipolar...
today with the head of such and such at the partial due to the negligence of psychiatrist.
After Thursdays incident with D's head going through the window, the hypomanic/depressive phases occuring at partial, and his inconsistent, out of control behaviors here (did the worlds realign or shift or...
Wow! Am I first one up? Sheesh! LOLOL!
Well, good morning everyone!
Today is gonna be a busy one. B has doctor appointment, then testing for his drivers permit at the DMV (if you live in PA, might wanna stay off the roads :raspberry-tounge:) - then SRP comes to take him back to Career Link at 1...
D came home today visibly manic. Eyes bulging, again, flush face, rambling, racing thoughts. therapist at partial said (and his points confirm) a very inconsisent day of up and down behaviors.
He was very, very active. He was annoyed there wasn't anything he really likes (there is, but he...
Ugh my lifestyle change totally changed this week for the worst. My belly is sore.
Stress is horrible for me. I go straight to the kitchen. D had an awful night last night, I was so tired and wasn't cooking. To McDonald's we went (of course, I couldn't have gotten a salad :sick: - HAD to have...
per therapist at partial. I was on the phone with her today because psychiatrist still, since Thursday, has not returned a phone call or email. She's about ready to get fired :angrygirl:
therapist confirmed my thoughts - mania - rapid cycling. Racing thoughts - noisy, disruptive (although not intentional -...
Like, all the time.
I came and said how well D was doing, didn't I? :knockedout:
Well, he was. And then, a couple of weeks ago, something happened. I don't know what. He started talking - more - alot - like, from wake up til bedtime, it was one very, very long run on sentence that never...
Anyone know of any good ab workout DVDs? I saw a commercial for "Crunchless Abs", and am considering it. Just wondering if there's positive feedback from real people, not actors LMAO!
I've been doing in home walking (Leslie Sansone, I love, love, love her) since May. It's helped, alot -...