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  1. L

    Seeing the Paths of our Difficult Children in a Positive Light

    Thank you New Leaf! I actually read this before going to my Concerned Others meeting tonight. Inspiring! So thought provoking and on point and hopeful for many of us on this forum! Watched the 2nd half of the movie Pleasure Unwoven at my meeting, which if you have't seen it Carolita, you...
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    Drugs are winning

    Hugs! Thinking of you today
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    My 25 y/o got kicked out of rehab today. ..

    My experience is similar. Marijuana, Vicodin, Heroin, lost jobs, rehab and homelessness. My son too has been there. It is a roller coaster for most of us but I am working on understanding and detaching and trying to work on me. It is hard. Everyone here understands. I pray you are able to...
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    Think of me today!

    I am also with you in your journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I too struggle with the "what is next" for our adult children. I know it is hard to be there and not control. Hope in each day!
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    Drugs are winning

    Go Sea! You give me strength. Praying for you!
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    Think of me today!

    Praying! Hoping for you this day. Hugs to the moon and back!
  7. L

    Drugs are winning

    Hope and prayers. Thinking of you.
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    The knowing and not knowing. Not sure which is worse. I am praying for you and hoping your visit is positive. Hugs to you! You are awesome! Remember that.
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    I threw him out.

    We also signed the car over to him and put him on a separate policy, although we did not release the keys to him while he was here. That after he had stolen my Daughters car. He left without his car this time but still afraid for him without it and likely on the streets. You must protect...
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    My dad passed away

    May his memory be eternal.
  11. L

    My son's drug addiction will not destroy me.

    Thanks Toughlovin! Yes, I feel the same way. In awe of the goodness there and I cry too. Sometimes feeling overwhelmed with the spirit. Today was hard and I will move on. I can do this.
  12. L

    My son's drug addiction will not destroy me.

    Thank you again, COPA. Feeling blessed to have people to talk to that understand. I am Orthodox and happy to have my faith. I will be back next Sunday, whatever comes my way. Yes too I am lucky to have the ocean close and would feel the same as your mom if I wasn't here. I understand he...
  13. L

    My son's drug addiction will not destroy me.

    So proud of you! I on the other hand couldn't do church today because I couldn't handle the questions about my son. See, they all know what I am struggling with. I missed my church today but thank both of you for being that voice for me today. I pray I can get back there and answer those...
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    I threw him out.

    I have lost and paid for "the ring" a million times over. Not much left either, but when I didn't care about anything but making him better, I let it go. Why? I didn't care about me. We have to care for us to get through this behavior from our CD's. I feel your pain and pray you and your...
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    Prayers and positive thoughts sent your way!
  16. L

    My Son the addict

    Thanks COPA. We always have hope. What is there if we don't? We help each other with something that is affecting so many and is given so little attention, even though it has been affecting lives for longer than we can imagine. Makes it hard to understand why this is not in the forefront of...
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    Tears of joy

    God is good!
  18. L

    My Son the addict

    I was reading your thread as you were writing this! Thank you. I too have been through this before but each time he is out there again, choosing that life, I find myself having to start over in my recovery again. The not knowing how he will survive is so difficult. I too have reached out to...
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    My Son the addict

    You are so right. I wish my family was on the same page. You are part of what gives me strength right now. Going to my class which helps but I struggle with the me... I am learning. Trying to find ways to help the family in doing the same. Tonight is back to square one though.... Always...
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    My Son the addict

    I didn't cause it, I can't control it , I can't cure it. Hardest words for me to hold. The roller coaster ended today with him leaving on a journey I know nothing about. Walked out without saying a word. So sad.