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  1. Gabby1432

    Scared to Death

    I have very limited control over her. My major problem has been that she will do well for a while and then BAM messes up. And while she is doing good I make the mistake of trusting her. She has stolen from me before. She was caught 3 times shoplifting. Not sure if she was stealing to buy pot or...
  2. Gabby1432

    Scared to Death

    I am very new to posting online and even newer to asking for help. I have a daughter who has just turned 18, is still in High School, and still lives at home. Her behavior of late has been, to be honest disrespectful, she constantly lies about everything. Even the smallest of things. She is now...
  3. Gabby1432

    I need some encouragement please

    Dear Rosie, I truly and I am sure many others here feel your pain. I am coming to the point where you are. We can love our children without enabling them. That is a lesson I am learning. As far as the car, if it is in your name then i am pretty sure you can have it repossesed by a local towing...
  4. Gabby1432

    Scared to death

    Thank you so much! I have an appointment with her school counselor this coming Tuesday. If that doesn't work I feel for the sake of my other kids that I am going to have to do the ultimatum, just to restore some semblance of peace to our home.
  5. Gabby1432

    Scared to death

    Thank you so much. It is good to have an outlet and to not think I am alone in this all the time anymore. Thank you for your warm welcome :)
  6. Gabby1432

    Frustrated beyond belief...

    Frustrated beyond belief...
  7. Gabby1432

    Scared to death

    I am very new to posting online and even newer to asking for help. I have a daughter who has just turned 18, is still in High School, and still lives at home. Her behavior of late has been, to be honest disrespectful, she constantly lies about everything. Even the smallest of things. She is now...