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  1. mrsalmeida

    ADHD Help

    Thank you so much, I will dig in around this website. He does have an IEP at school, and the one thing we have going for us is that this school has been amazing. He gets taken out of the regular class several times a day to go in RSV classes and be likes that, because he feels special that he...
  2. mrsalmeida

    Glad I found this lighthouse of hope in the middle of a black world.

    Glad I found this lighthouse of hope in the middle of a black world.
  3. mrsalmeida

    Do you all ever think there will come a time that we don't deal with all this drama anymore?

    I'm new here, and I'm so glad I found this website last night. I told my husband we are not alone, but also, it looks like its never gonna end. Lol. I wonder this just about every day. I knew being a mom would be tough, but I didn't know my heart would break on a daily basis. I honestly just...
  4. mrsalmeida

    ADHD Help

    Not much, actually. He was put in a room with a bunch of other kids and observed, and we filed out a questionare and his teacher filled out a questionare and that was it. I just looked at the calendar and his next appointment happens to be tomorrow afternoon. I am going to demand we get a...
  5. mrsalmeida

    ADHD Help

    Thanks for the replies. The diagnosis was from a child psychologist at Kaiser, who we have our insurance through. We started the testing when he was in 1st grade, because not only was he having problems at home, but at school as well. School problems such as getting very angry in class when he...
  6. mrsalmeida

    ADHD Help

    Hi there, I just found this website and this is my first post. Bear with me, it may be long. OK, so my 9, almost 10 year old son was diagnosed with severe ADHD in June, after years of seeing psychiatrists and getting an original borderline ADHD diagnosis. He has always struggled in school...