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  1. Love never ends

    Where do I begin

    welcome to this forum, I think the mums on here give great advice and can see clearly when we can not .. I know it's so hard to think straight with worry and no sleep but people have replied to me and I find myself very very slowly reading over some of my replies and it's actually starting to...
  2. Love never ends

    Can't relax

    You are all so kind and all give me ways of dealing with things that I can relate to .... I got very stressed yesterday as she isn't managing her money at all and it plays on my mind I just can't turn my head off ... I find I literally am tense the whole time I don't feel like me anymore ... I...
  3. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Ah Thankyou so glad to be here with all you lovely mummy's ... I'm doing well today I managed to have breakfast before she started Xxx
  4. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Haha yes the handbook we are yet to work out or find .... I sat today saying to myself why me i was watching another mum with a daughter my ones age today, it was so normal they got lunch and coffee the girl was talking about work and just normal things ! If I take my daughter out I have to be...
  5. Love never ends

    Thinking of you all

    How kind to think of others when your in such a dark place yourself .. I really hope and pray that you find some peace for yourself as you really do deserve it xxx
  6. Love never ends

    My feet are tired but my spirit is strong.

    More great advice if only you could jump into my body for the day say it all for me I read these things and think right this is what I'm gonna do, then she calls and I can't remember a thing and start stuttering it's been so long living on my nerves I've forgotten how to be clear speaking and...
  7. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Once again Thankyou for all this support I feel overwhelmed that so many of you give advice and do not judge but encourage that I'm entitled to a little bit of happiness .... My daughter thinks she is the only girl in the world that had house rules and that no other parents treated there kid...
  8. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Thankyou really good advice even if it seems impossible now it makes very much sense seeing it in black and white .... It's amazing how our kids all use the same manipulation I thought I was just this unlucky mum who had the only daughter in the world who could treat her own mum this way ... I...
  9. Love never ends

    My feet are tired but my spirit is strong.

    SWOT you talk so much sense and put things in a way that I only wish my brain was capable of doing and saying .... My daughter has just asked me to go with her for a coffee ( I've got all nervous and it's me who pays for them coffee lunch and the whole day ) so I said Thankyou but no Thankyou...
  10. Love never ends

    My feet are tired but my spirit is strong.

    Hi I do understand the not wanting her in your house I had a situation that led to her not living in my house. The problem is people will always say your cruel until they have to live day in day out with it ( is she living with the grandparents now ? ) My mum and dad used to side with my...
  11. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Thankyou for your reply it seems you have a much clearer head than me and that gives me real hope as you say you was in my place not so long ago ... I think I get lost in the society that tells you your kids must always come first and you should always be there for your kids and you chose to...
  12. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Your all so kind feeling blessed I found this site with such lovely people xx
  13. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Thankyou for your opinion it is very much appreciated as right now I'm confused and can't see straight, so sometimes when it's written down it makes it easier to understand .. Your right on all your points and one of them I've tried ( the not answering the phone sticking it in the drawer .. Then...
  14. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Thankyou for the prayer it's very true words .... I have tried talking to my husband but he finds it hard to watch me support her after the things she has put us through ... His answer is he paid for private schooling and she did nothing with it apart from being trouble to our door .. Then he...
  15. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    Thankyou for the butterfly story what a lovely way to understand helping with kindness only to achieve the complete opposite..... I really do need to sort my hours out as your right I have no time for anything else I don't see friends and have no interest in anything anymore. I've bought my...
  16. Love never ends

    Why am I suffering

    After picking up my daughter early evening just because she hates the refuge where she is and says she is bullied ( which there has been evidence of but minor things ) I finally thought it's better to just get her out for the evening as I only get messages all night saying this that and the...
  17. Love never ends

    Can't relax

    Hello Thankyou for your lovely message .. Your so true and making me see it doesn't matter if they are our bio kids,adopted, black , blue , green , boy , girl , what will be will be. I can see the fear lies inside me now I've got so used to worrying it's become my life .. Never relaxing never...
  18. Love never ends

    Can't relax

    You speak so much sense .. That's exactly what my daughter does puts me in the guilty frame and makes me feel as a mum I should be doing / giving this that or the other ... Saying that what really started these horrible "I'm a bad mother" feelings I have of myself is the fact she saw a...
  19. Love never ends

    Can't relax

    Thank you again so much your words have meant so much and your right unless people have walked in our shoes they don't know the heavy pain we have .... I stopped looking at her face book 5 months ago after she went into the safe house .. Facebook was my only way to see activity to know she was...
  20. Love never ends

    Can't relax

    Again ... Your all so lovely and I wish I had found this site sooner on some of my darkest hours .... It's nice to hear people say it's not my fault as unless you hear it ( and I don't speak to anyone about it as I'm embarrassed after the looks I get on the street regarding her face book posts )...