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  1. M

    Step Daughter Stealing

    Appreciate all of your responses, suggestions and advice very much. Please know I will try to reciprocate to other members, as well. Please know how grateful I am for your comments. Each of you has walked down paths I'll never know. Thank, you, again! Marty
  2. M

    Step Daughter Stealing

    Thanks to everyone! While I don't have experience raising a family, my husband has told me that his middle daughter does not understand inferences (at all) and that that things need to be spelled out in a direct, though kind, way. For me, that was no problem at all. However, he was very...
  3. M

    Step Daughter Stealing

    I spoke with the MFCC yesterday and she was agreeable to meeting with me & my husband. This morning, I spoke with my husband about seeing the MFCC together and he's not in favor of it. His perspective is that his daughter won't be coming back to live with us, again. I asked how he can be...
  4. M

    New to forums. help please.

    I was defiant as a teen with my mother. She had no real understanding, much less empathy, for what it was like being a teenager. I suggest that engaging differently with her may be a place to start. It's been a long time since she lived with you, so of course, she's testing you. She's a...
  5. M

    Don't know what to do with my son

    Your son may need to engage with peers who are clean & sober. All of us develop social skills as we grow/age and discover that what we thought we true may not be any longer. I'd want my son to meet with peers in recovery. And I know this sounds crazy, but repeating positive affirmations again &...
  6. M

    Step Daughter Stealing

    Your suggestions and advice are so appreciated! I called the MFCC last night and requested an appointment for me. Clearly, I need to learn and understand much more, as well as, get much needed support. I suspect that he & I both feel quite alone dealing with his daughter's Aspergers. I think...
  7. M

    One husband Three step children Large birth family and Finding my way ...

    One husband Three step children Large birth family and Finding my way ...
  8. M

    Step Daughter Stealing

    Thanks to you both very much! My husband advised that his middle daughter was never told about having Asperger Syndrome and as a child/teenager, yet she wondered why her brother & sister had so many friends, while she had zilch. Thus, she was never treated for autism as a child or teenager. We...
  9. M

    Step Daughter Stealing

    I've been married to my husband two years. He was married before and has three grown kids. The middle daughter lives with us each summer. As a child, she was diagnosed with a form of autism, which impacts her social skills primarily. However, she is high functioning. For example, she got into...