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  1. S


    At the risk of now being known as the drama queen EVERYTHING as far as I know that night is fine. Sorry the weapon was a light aluminum stick. I'm sorry I haven't been on lately I've been feeling crappy. I want to share something its about that GED program he wasn't interested in the program...
  2. S


    Tonight I'm upset. He left here and hubby thinks he took a weapon with him! Hubby said every since he got home he has been fighting on the phone with girlfriend. I was driving to work and I passed him he looked like crap. Now just tonight when I pulled in the driveway he seemed OFF. He seemed weird...
  3. S


    Thank you. I agree with everything you said. I can tell you have a kind heart. I can relate to all the emotions you spoke about. I wish I could fix it too. It kills me I can't save this kid. Thank you and hugs to you. May we all find peace.
  4. S


    True VERY VERY true. Not just ready to throw him away yet. And yes he does act like he is doing me a favor by sucking off of me. I am from a different planet. This world is upside down to me. Thanks.
  5. S


    That my friend I think is key making it difficult for him. Good advise.
  6. S


    Thank you. I do house him. I don't support him financially. I agree with what you said. So this is me stepping back.
  7. S


    Just ONE more thing this kid does what he wants. I really don't trust him I know when he can get away with something he will do it. I told you I have to stay up all night so that I don't have nightly guest in my yard. Has anyone ACTUALLY got their Difficult Child to leave and NOT return? Again thanks.
  8. S


    Could you stand one more question? Beside working on myself and growing a pair when it comes to this kid and relying on elder abuse to help me how do I get this kid to straighten up. How do I motivate/threaten whatever this kid? In other words how do I solve this problem. If this were cancer...
  9. S


    699053, member: 20741"] No sweat. Blunt is what I need. You have yourself a good night.
  10. S


  11. S


    Sorry if I gave you the impression I didn't appreciate your advise please accept my apology. No I was trying to get elder abuse services to help ME I wanted gs to see I had someone involved for me to guide and help me against him. Hey at this point I will be honest with you if this kid decided...
  12. S


    My daughter functions better now since she got herself into therapy and takes her medications. You are so right HE does need a path. I feel when I think of how to help him I hit a wall. Sorry to hear about your situation. How are you doing? Thank you for all your kind words. I want to attend...
  13. S


    Yes I'm an old girl been in this playground a long long time. My daughter put me thru the ringer when she hit her teens years!!!! I was working full time dealing with an unstable abusive hubby and I have my own issues. I really would love to retire from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! Yes he is VERY...
  14. S


    My daughter is schizophrenic. He gets nasty towards her sometimes. I love the contract idea but he'll laugh in my face. I am surprised he actually respects our rule of no company in his room. He usually does what he wants to do. The big reason I called elder abuse was so they could back me...
  15. S


    You are so right. I am an enabler I grew up being an enabler so people would like me. I am not a confrontational person. I am overwhelmed thinking about how to stand up to this kid and make him tow the line. But I ate up EVERYTHING you said. Thanks.
  16. S


    I am so thankful for all of you reaching out to me. I was hoping when I called elder abuse they could be my muscle. I wanted him to see an authority figure was involved. The social worker said she would come by and check on me and hubby. Then she just never got in touch and after I left her...
  17. S


    I agree with all you said. You asked me where I wanted this to go I want it to go away but if this was my perfect world I would want him to see the error of his ways and maybe even find Jesus or whatever higher being. There is so much I get overwhelmed.
  18. S


    Again as always thank you. Yes I like the idea MY house my comfort level. That girl in the truck only lasted one night she was gone by the next day. Truth is if I give this kid an inch he takes 101 miles. I just need your input it really is helping me sort thru this murky waters situation...
  19. S

    Over the hill. Looking for kindness,strength,truth and a little peace before I leave my earthly...

    Over the hill. Looking for kindness,strength,truth and a little peace before I leave my earthly home.
  20. S


    Thank you. He wasn't interested in the GED PROGRAM. Said he doesn't want to go into construction. Construction is the trade they teach. I guess I was just hoping that maybe he would want to better himself. And you are so right he does not look ahead or see ahead in life. Hey while I have...