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  1. A

    Homeless Son Gone Completely Missing

    Thank you, now maybe I can finally get a good nights sleep. I can go and see him on Wednesday. I can't wait. He did really try to go to Job Corps, they never picked him up, they told him there was an issue with his paperwork. After giving up his place to live, his job and everything, he was...
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    Homeless Son Gone Completely Missing

    I found my son!! He is in a program for homeless youth and has been there the whole time. He is getting help for his mental problems, and he sounds good. I am so relieved.
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    Homeless Son Gone Completely Missing

    Yes, 1905, the lie is like a punch in the heart. It makes me feel like a fool, I just can't figure out why, but I guess I will never know that. I am trying to go on with my life, but it is not easy. I know he did this to himself, I am not responsible for any of it. I do have other kids, my...
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    Tough Love

    I came across this poem the other day and it really hit home so I just wanted to share:halfsmile: Tough Love It is not without regret I did not help you. Sleepless nights, overcome with worry burdened with the knowledge that you walk the streets alone. "This time, will be different," you...
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    Homeless Son Gone Completely Missing

    Thank you for the hugs and replies. The job corps thing has really got me puzzled, I spoke to several people there, since he is an adult it was hard to get any information, but finally, someone did look him up well tried to, there was no record of him even applying to the program. I knew that...
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    Trying to Cope

    Trying to Cope
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    Homeless Son Gone Completely Missing

    My son is 23 years old, he has mental illness and addiction issues. He has been in and out of jail and homeless on and off again for the last few years. I know I cannot help him, I finally learned that last year when he had his sort of stepfather arrested for assault, there was no assault...