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    Beyond heartbroken right now....

    Your therapist said it better than I've been able to, RN0441, and absolutely nailed it. Thank you for sharing that, and for your supportive thoughts and words :)
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    Help me i am at breaking point

    I'm so sorry you're hurting, its clear that your heart belongs to your family and that you're a great parent. No specific advice, but I do agree with Kalahou that, if you haven't already, looking into some counseling could be beneficial, possibly some marriage counseling as well. Could you try...
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    Beyond heartbroken right now....

    @Malika, looking back, I was not clear on the level of physicality in the incident with my husband. It was indeed very mild, grab and shove sort of situation, definitely "heat of the moment". I was not actually injured in any way, mostly scared, shocked and (emotionally) hurt. As for my son...
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    Evaluation for inpatient placement

    I'm sorry you're going through this with your daughter, my oldest son is the same age, and has performed a similar snowjob. It's a truly frustrating situation, especially the lack of support from family. Hugs and strengthening thoughts your way!
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    Beyond heartbroken right now....

    @Wiped Out, thank you for the kind thoughts, those hugs really do help. @Malika, fair question, no offense taken :). Unfortunately difficult child has a 10 year history of violence towards his siblings and others, he is diagnosed with childhood onset conduct disorder and has not responded to...
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    Beyond heartbroken right now....

    I don't have any children with this husband, they are all from my first marriage. Most of the actual conflict between us has been surrounding teen boy. Neither one of us wants to give up over kid-conflict, and feel like we might be able to work on things with the boy staying with my parents...
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    Beyond heartbroken right now....

    That's right, husband is not their biological father. The biological father is involved but is actually a worse abuser than my husband. He also lives in a different school district (one boy has already attended and had problems; he prefers his current school), so boy would have to change...
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    Beyond heartbroken right now....

    I kicked both my husband and my difficult teenage son out of my house today. We found out boy has been hitting his brother on the school bus; we thought the hitting was done, unfortunately he was just being sneakier about it. After the usual nightmare of trying to get it through his head...
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    Any tips for defiant peeing or pooping?

    I agree with TerryJ2, my difficult child would "revenge poop" in his pants every time I put him in time out. He only stopped after I made him clean himself and the time out spot (luckily a hard floor in a kitchen corner) by himself--washing out his underwear and everything. He then had to...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    Things regarding his father are especially difficult, boy also has an adjustment disorder which the psychologist believes is actually being re-triggered by the difference in environments and continued hostility towards me from their father every time they have visitation. His father, of course...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    Don't worry, I didn't take anything you said offensively, you've been very helpful. :) "He couldn't see where he had done anything wrong. He kept saying they were texts and he didn't hurt anyone." ^^^This. Except his favorite response is "it was a joke, I didn't intend it to be mean." Ever...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    Otto, thanks for sharing your story and your ideas. While his IQ is in the upper half of the average range overall, his logic/reasoning categorical score is barely in average range. He is capable of learning facts, but struggles to put facts together to form a conclusion, idea or solution. My...
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    Join Me in Thanking Runaway Bunny?

    I know I'm very new here, but I'd also like to say thank you. Finding this community came at just the right time for me. I visit every day and always leave feeling better and with hope that things will get better. Thank you so much for everything you do!
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    Aggravated at myself

    It makes perfect sense. It sounds like your road with your son has been a hard one. It sounds like there's still a way to go. You have every right to feel tired and worried. At the same time, he's staying sober! That's huge, and absolutely something to be proud of! These difficult children...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    We do something a little more general with the screen time. In our house, its not even an option until all chores and homework are done, and we don't really have a time limit. Other than boy, they usually keep it reasonable on their own. It can be lost for the day for...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    Knowing I'm not alone helps, sometimes it feels like mine is the only family going through this, and most days its all we can do to just batten the hatches and weather the storm. I will still get up each day and choose to love him, I will do everything I can to keep everyone (including him)...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    Thanks to all for the support and ideas. I will try the "time-in", as I have not tried that yet, even though the idea makes me very nervous because of the way he lashes out, maybe have his stepdad do it since boy lashes out at me mainly, the others less often. We usually do go for the time out...
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    Lost on how to handle my 8 year old son

    Hello, wwise, I'm new here too, nice to meet you! I almost cried when I read your post, your son is so much like mine, right down to the acting normal. I know your pain, so, to start, *HUG*, or at least the sentiment if you're not a hugger :). I agree with everyone above who suggested...
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    What works for you? Help with lying/manipulative teen needed.

    Thanks for the reply, Wiped Out. I try my best to take care of myself, which can be a challenge due to my fibromyalgia, which the kids don't know about because their father would use it against me (unfortunately, stress, and therefore my son, is a major pain trigger for me--another reason I...