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  1. S

    Manchild saga continues to worsen

    Thank you, I hope he does too. This is a never ending nightmare. The hospital just called and they are keeping him until he gets a psychiatic evaluation at the facility they are transfering him to when they know he's going to be healthy. I hope someone tells me where he's going to go.
  2. S

    Manchild saga continues to worsen

    Tonight my manchild was admitted to the hospital for attempted suicide. He did this at my mother's house and I'm absolutely heartbroken. He took a bunch of ibprofen followed by Clorox. Why?? Why would he do this? I just can't wrap my head around it anymore.
  3. S

    Manchild saga continues to worsen

    Tonight my manchild was admitted to the hospital for attempted suicide. He did this at my mother's house and I'm absolutely heartbroken. He took a bunch of ibprofen followed by Clorox. Why?? Why would he do this? I just can't wrap my head around it anymore.
  4. S

    I posted my situation about my troubled son. I got some useful advice how to handle him and myself.

    I posted my situation about my troubled son. I got some useful advice how to handle him and myself.
  5. S

    Manchild problems the saga continues

    Thank you so much for responding. Could my son have mental issues he's trying to self medicate with drugs and alcohol? He didn't seem to have withdrawals after being in jail for the last 7 days. However he's told me before he's got a rash on him from his boyfriend? I'm have no idea what that could be...
  6. S

    Manchild problems the saga continues

    Thank you for the advise and kind words. Listening to everyone here I feel has made me a little stronger. I am going to go to AA next week, I'm excited and I hope I learned alot.
  7. S

    Manchild problems the saga continues

    Yesterday was a bad day, it made me realise how crucial it is to let the situation with my manchild go. I have found 3 locations for AA meetings near me and I plan to attend next week. My husband had a back injury from last week at work and decided it was no better yesterday so he went to the...
  8. S

    Manchild problems

    I like the way your think, I'm up and down. Some days are easier than others. I thank you for being blunt with me. Today was bad, when he and I fight it's always had, so many things said that can never be taken back.
  9. S

    Manchild problems

    This is what I need to hear. He is now gone and I will take some quiet time to get right. I will be reading alot on this forum and others, I wish I knew about this site sooner, it really is helpful to not feel so alone.
  10. S

    Manchild problems

    I really hope you don't have any of these problems with your son. I'm sorry he came into the world already being addicted, I couldn't imagine that. It's great that you took him in and are giving him a loving home. Not all kids fall prey to peer pressure. My daughter never did, and my son really...
  11. S

    Manchild problems

    If I could stop giving in, I'll be mad for a little while, then the guilt becomes overwhelming. I just hate the fact that he says I'm a terrible mom and so on, and I think he believes it. I found 3 places that hold aa meetings neat me, I almost can't wait. The boyfriend is nice but he's my daughters...
  12. S

    Manchild problems

    I went back and reread what I wrote, I meant needless not needles, sorry. I do know he does bars, I'm told those are Xanax and he came over the other weekend all broke out on his face. He asked me if the cocaine he tried could have cause it and I said I'm sure that's what caused it. I thank you...
  13. S

    Manchild problems

    Yes you're right, he is here now and we just had a big fight in front of his boyfriend and my daughter. He wanted to move in and I said no, so he started belittling me as usual. I told him I was done. I wish I could mean it. I really think I need therapy, this is not getting better. Yes my mother's...
  14. S

    Manchild problems

    I have thought of going to some meetings for aa. I wasn't sure if it would really help me or not, but it sure can't hurt. He has stolen small things in the past, like gas or the gas can or change from my change purse. Lately I noticed a bottle of whiskey was gone, he and his boyfriend swear it wasn't...
  15. S

    Manchild problems

    I'm sure you're right, I thought I would be stronger than this. We live in a small town in order for him to go to a shelter he would need a ride to get there. I wish he would consider going to a half way house. He honestly tells me there's no problems he's just 22 years old. There's excuses...
  16. S

    Manchild problems

    No, they let him out on time served. His boyfriend didn't answer his calls note go see him, what a great guy!! He's been in and out of jail for speeding, diving wreckless, failure to appear, fighting. It's crazy that he keeps getting out. My mother bailed him out alot of those times, as usual. He does...
  17. S

    Manchild problems

    I'm so glad I just found this site. I've been trying to find local support groups to no avail. My son has always had behavior issues. My mother and grandmother would always step in to save the day. I belive this is why I am where I am today with my son. We (my husband and I, his step father) put...
  18. S

    I am very new here but I need somewhere to vent and hopefully get some advise.

    I am very new here but I need somewhere to vent and hopefully get some advise.