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  1. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Wth happened today

    Good afternoon! I was able to make the appointment to get him evaluated at a female dr who runs an office for neurological testing. Cps was a pain. His last therapist called cps on us because of my son telling them his dad/my husband shoved him. I of course knew of this situation but hoped that...
  2. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Wth happened today

    Only have a minute but so blessed to have responses. Difficult child is 8. And have limited resources in my city. Past two days have been good as dad has been working when he is home with me and younger brother. I'll add more info tomorrow as I know your the go to person on here a lot. I agree...
  3. Verydistressedmomofodd

    13 year old son with repeat behavior issues at school

    I'm in ga and they do the same BS HERE!
  4. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Wth happened today

    its 3:30 am as usual and I'm awake on my phone on the couch by myself. Today was such a s&$@ storm. My son has been on a rant since lord I can't remember since we all woke up. It never ever ended until he fell asleep. This all sux and feels so blah! And miserable and time consuming for all of...
  5. Verydistressedmomofodd

    For some yes unfortunately. Rock bottom doesn't matter. Sadly you can be so sick and not well...

    For some yes unfortunately. Rock bottom doesn't matter. Sadly you can be so sick and not well that that doesn't matter anymore. There needs to be more out there for us as parents to help
  6. Verydistressedmomofodd

    How do you deal with your easy child?

    This may be to bold of me to say and too sensitive of a topic for me to reply to in the first place. But there is nothing at all you can do or say to fix it. That's sad I know and depressing but it's the truth. At their age by now they have formed their own opinions of each other and the...
  7. Verydistressedmomofodd


  8. Verydistressedmomofodd

    4:03 am I gotta get sleep goodnight everyone

    4:03 am I gotta get sleep goodnight everyone
  9. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Soooo in need of sleep

    Soooo in need of sleep
  10. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Do you all ever think there will come a time that we don't deal with all this drama anymore?

    I don't have any advise but I wanted to say hang in there. Just recently my mother 57 who just went to e r bc she again got stressed and when my oldest brother whom lives with her and his 2 year old became more than permanent tenants. Her mental stress manifests itself to become a physical...
  11. Verydistressedmomofodd

    I don't know anymore if there is anything to be done to improve the situation

    Fist let me say it's so brave of you to want to find help or feedback and even more for reaching out somehow in any form for it. This is a very very trying time for you as a parent and it will try to break you but stay strong. Love him but not without rules and structure and limits. Hopefully if...
  12. Verydistressedmomofodd

    I don't know who I am anymore

    I know you feel horrible but not because you did anything wrong but because he is making those choices and wanting to blame you when in deed he's to blame or in a sense he chose that. I promise your doing everything right and with a lot of courage and love
  13. Verydistressedmomofodd

    First post... 8 year old violent ADHD in shared custody situation

    How on earth someone was able to learn so much and pay it forward is beyond me I hope your reply helps this mom I know I will come back and read it more tomorrow bc I'm in need of extreme help for my son. Thank you and god bless
  14. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Thoughts on a will

    Your doing the right thing but most importantly what your feel is best for now. Congrats on even being able to discuss and allow yourself to complete such a task no mother is ever able to. God bless
  15. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Just my thoughts on why we keep coming back here

    Just a short quick and sweet response in regards to your honest and open post.....THANK YOU
  16. Verydistressedmomofodd

    My son is dead.

    May he Rest In Peace and be in no pain any longer. I'm so sorry words aren't enough to express concerns and prayers and love your way
  17. Verydistressedmomofodd

    My son is in jail. Again. To visit or not to visit, that is the question...

    Don't visit and pray momma just pray for him to one day have peace of mind. That's all we can want for our children when they are not well. For god to atleast pls heal their minds and give them peace to love and fight this fight good luck
  18. Verydistressedmomofodd

    Lost and broken momma

    I'm so sorry for these circumstances and it must be torture but cannot say I know how your feeling. My mother keeps taking my brother in who is now age 40. He has a son age 2 now so she has them both. I never tell her what she should do but I will say you sound like a caring momma. I pray you...