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  1. RedCedar

    Every (rare) Family Gathering.....

    EXCELLENT. I'll try to remember those, should I ever need them...
  2. RedCedar


    Thank you for that information - VERY helpful.
  3. RedCedar


    Yes, he could be. Thank you again.
  4. RedCedar


    Love your reply. Thank you. One thing: son is not using meth (he's told my daughter in law this and it's actually believable). He did for a while in his 20's. His drug is called different things - shatter, dab, are two that I can think of. It's a VERY concentrated form of cannabis. He was using it...
  5. RedCedar


    After four months of having my 36yo son living in my home to "get on his feet", four months that he spent stoned pretty much 24x7 and excelling at Twitter and RPG's, four months in which he saved NO money, four months in which I drove him back and forth to his part-time job, four months during...
  6. RedCedar

    I've made it a goal in 2018 to learn and practice detachment with love. It's not going to be...

    I've made it a goal in 2018 to learn and practice detachment with love. It's not going to be easy; I know that, but I need peace.
  7. RedCedar

    You know you have a difficult child when . . .

    I could have written this! My son has an ever-growing list of maladies for which he needs to stay stoned 24x7, most of which he attributes to my atrocious mothering. Despite many reassurances that I was and am not the Wicked Witch of the Midwest that he makes me out to be, I have as yet been...