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  1. 1

    14 year old molesting a child

    SOT That’s how I saw my son, as a smart sweet and innocent child. It has blown my mind. The other kids do not know what happened, the boys are 9 and 11, the girl is 12. I haven’t told them. They just know he did something bad and he is in a lot of trouble for it. I don’t know how to tell them. I...
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    14 year old molesting a child

    PRAECEPTA I am at a cross roads with it. We haven't gotten as far as counseling yet but I am patiently waiting for us to arrive at that point. I do need him there to be a positive support system without all the arguing that sets me back by days and devastates me. I do not think he realizes how...
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    14 year old molesting a child

    CULT They were looking into putting him into a facility but they were all full. I am hoping once they get him into therapy and counseling we will figure out how deep this is and in which ways to help him. If him not being able to reproduce was one of them, then so be it. I wouldn't be happy...
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    14 year old molesting a child

    SOT. I would shudder to with him having girls. With how my sons grandpa, dad and now my son has all played out from generation to generation, I really worry about when and or if he reproduces. This has got to stop somewhere, somehow. Thank you for replying to me
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    14 year old molesting a child

    CULT I am having such a hard time understanding why and or how it got passed to my son. I left his dad when he was 7. I didn’t find out about the sexual allegations by my stepdaughter until after I left his dad. His rights did not get terminated from his oldest daughter until approximately a...
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    14 year old molesting a child

    SOT... I still cannot wrap my head around the fact of, that this child(my son) is bigger than me and was doing things sexually to a 4-year-old. You are right, she is just a baby. A baby I’ll never get to see again and a family that I’ll never get to see grow through the years. My son ruined a...
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    14 year old molesting a child

    He has health medicaid insurance. He is staying with my ex-husbands mother.
  8. 1

    Lost and Confused

    Lost and Confused
  9. 1

    14 year old molesting a child

    I do not have any support off side my S.O and my mom. I am afraid to talk to people who are close to me. I do not want them knowing and no one I know has been through this. I do not have insurance and an running through my financial resources paying an arm and a leg for an attorney for my son...
  10. 1

    14 year old molesting a child

    I know there is alot of red flags. I have thought of the same thing with if it had been done to him. My son says no one has abused him. But what if he doesn't remember or doesn't want to say? I do not know nor have the answers. I just want to hurry up and get him some help but the juvenile...
  11. 1

    14 year old molesting a child

    My 14 year old son is being charged with a 2nd degree felony for indecency with a child. I thought it would never happen to me. The child was 4(girl) and a distant none-blood relative. This did not happen while he was in my care. My S.O of 3 years and I just recently moved in together while all...