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  • Users: Duli
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  1. Duli

    I refuse to get on the roller coaster....

    Thank you !! my 28 yo alcoholic, drug addict (sorta clean now) Son lives back at home now .. no drugs or alcohol are allowed in the house and I have forced him to work a Full time job ..I even demanded Son to pay me $300 a month ! I am also tired of his crazy attitude and am trying to watch my...
  2. Duli

    I didn’t want to join that club.

    my heart goes out to ALL of you ! because I know what you all struggle with on a Daily basis .. I am making a commitment to go to my 12noon Alanon meeting today (which is extremely hard) because for me it has been hard to take the focus off of my Abusive Son and Daughter and direct it where it...
  3. Duli

    Back in the dark lonesome hole.

    Thank you ! for your Post and ALL who replied ... WOW I really needed to hear your Story and all the Inspirational advise.. my Story is VERY much like yours, except my Daughter is 37 lol .. really I needed to hear ALL this .. I feel like I can deal with Today and my Weekend ahead .. Thank you...
  4. Duli

    Tired of this

    Wow ! I can totally relate to your daughter is now 37 and a denial, closet drinker. Her emotional abuse started with me when she was very little .. pushing buttons it was CRAZY..she started doing drugs and drinking at 14 so many battles she and I had, and are STILL having...
  5. Duli

    hangin on...but not sure how

    hangin on...but not sure how