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  1. rosanna-d

    Another Sleepless Night

    Love what you’ve said here. Thank you
  2. rosanna-d

    Another Sleepless Night

    My heart goes out to you. I feel your pain. I’m Having many sleepless nights and faking my way through the day. Hugs to you
  3. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    Hi Sam 3, it’s complicated and I think for sure there’s some eating disorder aspect? He has some serious food intolerance/allergies and I think they’ve created some obsessive behaviours and anxieties. As well, the doctors talk a lot now about the gut-brain relationship and his is out of whack. I...
  4. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    Thank you ❤️❤️ I can’t imagine what it would be like with grand children involved as well.
  5. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    Thank you for reaching out. I appreciate your sharing and giving your opinion. I think I am at a super vulnerable point right now, as this is very very fresh and new...the whole dealing with the idea of my son being homeless and not doing what he needs to get better. I am really sorry for...
  6. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    Thank you for your note. I greatly appreciate it. I’ve had others talk about the late 20’s and young men during that time. And you are so right about this stuff triggering things for me! Years of me trying to justify my existence so people wouldn’t leave me... and recognizing what that really...
  7. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    It’s very simplistic what I’ve written regarding my sons history and how things are. I don’t believe he is where is he because he wants to be, either physically or mentally, and we have been down many long roads since he was child in dealing with things. For all I know there is more than...
  8. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    As I’ve come to realize, my son has no rational reason for not getting help. He’s had many excuses why things aren’t going right of course. The whole anxiety about not trusting medications, or even b12, which the hematologist insisted he needs to take, is so frustrating. I’d like to just put it...
  9. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    Thank you Leafy for your words of support and kindness. I really appreciate it. So grateful to have found this community.
  10. rosanna-d

    Anxiety on high alert

    Hi everyone, This is my first post so please forgive my ramblings. I will try and make it as clear as I can. I am 54, married for 14 years and have a 27 yr old son from first Marriage. My son has always struggled with anxiety, depression and when young, was medicated for adhd. He was a handful...
  11. rosanna-d

    What is Rock Bottom?

    No I haven’t posted my own thread yet. I guess I fee more comfortable responding to others but I will. Thank you for sharing.
  12. rosanna-d

    What is Rock Bottom?

    That nagging voice inside your head....omg I hear it all the time. It’s the battle I have with myself in this. How can I be a good mother if I don’t do everything possible to try and help my son. I know it’s not healthy and I know he needs to find his way in this, but it’s so scary. My own...
  13. rosanna-d

    Needing Strength and Hope

    Needing Strength and Hope
  14. rosanna-d

    What about Christmas?

    Hi Gail, I think that is very appropriate. Christmas is Christmas and if it makes you feel good to do this, then to me, its the right thing. Rosanna
  15. rosanna-d

    Should I feel guilty for wanting my depressed adult son to live on his own

    Thank you for the reply...I should have written more but was using my phone, so will try here :). It's not only the depression/anxiety that he is dealing with, he also has physical health issues that have caused him to now lose 40lbs (He's 6'1 and a string bean already). He worked steady up to...
  16. rosanna-d

    Should I feel guilty for wanting my depressed adult son to live on his own

    Hi there. This is my first time posting here and found this thread as I can do relate. My heart is breaking right now for my son. He’s 27 and on the verge of being homeless. I can’t have him in our home as he stayed with us and had a couple outbursts, the last which did damage to the house and...