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  1. Loosey

    Progress or BS ?

    Hi. Your son actually sounds a lot like me when I first went to college. I was honor role and smart and an alcoholic. I got high grades two semesters than fell hard. My parents were paying and I didn't care. Being the 5th of 7 kids my parents didn't know I existed. So what I am trying to say is...
  2. Loosey

    Video: What does Psychopath mean? Antisocial Personality Disorder.

    She described my son to a T. He is a compulsive liar. So much so that I have stopped believing him at all. He can con anyone that doesn't know him. He just turned 18 and has not graduated from school yet. medications help with anger issues and ADHD but not with his life skills. We have no idea where he...
  3. Loosey

    Me- 59, Hubby- 53 M 30 yrs, 2 bio children. girl 37, boy 36. 3 grandchildren 2 adopted children...

    Me- 59, Hubby- 53 M 30 yrs, 2 bio children. girl 37, boy 36. 3 grandchildren 2 adopted children. boy 18 foster care, girl 18 orphanage.
  4. Loosey

    What now

    He does have an IEP. Right now he has to be evaluated by a Psychologist to determine if he meant it or was just talking trash. This will determine if is a manifestation. We have been through this before. He spent two years in an alternative school before going back to public school. He just...
  5. Loosey

    What now

    Our child was adopted out of foster care as a young child. He has Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD), ODD, ADHD and a few other disorders. He has no plans for life and is now expelled for threatening to kill other children in school. This is senior year. Been to court 3 times since 11 years old. Monthly counseling since...