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  1. Flyme2themoon

    A View From The Other Side (Fairly Long)

    In helping others, you help yourself so plz, keeping helping us! My 4th and youngest son is 20, soon to be 21. He lives w me, a single mom since 1995. His dad ran from the probation office fleeing arrest when he was 4. He never got over his absence and when he did return, what a cluster F he...
  2. Flyme2themoon

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing.

    I just hope you get some rest and find some time for yourself. A walk alone in nature away from all demands helps me center and recharge. It doesn’t have to be a “big vacation”! I still think he’ll try to come back and I hope you will not allow it. It’s amazing how resourceful they are when the...
  3. Flyme2themoon

    16 Year Old Son Imploding

    I love the idea of using cameras! Brilliant! You have to protect yourself and your younger children in the real event that he sets you up. When my son was 12, I left him alone for 45 min to gather my wits before I did something I’d regret. He knew I was leaving for a break and how long I’d b...
  4. Flyme2themoon

    Dirty Laundry Analogy

    Stick to your guns! I’ve raged over piles of stinking left-for-the-maid (me of course) laundry in the nasty dungeon he calls his bedroom (I wouldn’t walk barefoot in there, you’d leave w a fungus)! How many times has it taken of me doing it? Washing, drying, meticulously folding and...
  5. Flyme2themoon

    We can Together

    We can Together
  6. Flyme2themoon

    Son 21, stealing, denying, swearing.

    I hear your sadness and know how it feels to kick a son out but when your heart strings start pulling, remember this. He’s been stealing from you guys for 6 years counting on you being distracted caring for your disabled child. He TIMES when you are totally consumed w care taking your 1st son...