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  1. ButterflyGuardian

    Worn out Guardian of teenage boy - need help/support

    Somewhereoutthere, Sorry for the late response! We have gotten help of a doctor, and the school resource officer and counselors are also getting very involved in our and his life and helping us out a lot and well as I've joined a group in my area that has been a big help in mentoring! I grew up...
  2. ButterflyGuardian

    Worn out Guardian of teenage boy - need help/support

    Hello! Thank you for your comments and advice! We aren't going for adoption but just legal guardianship. We can chose to terminate at any time (which we don't plan on doing)- or their parents can take us back to court (which neither cared this time around so I doubt they will). But the boys...
  3. ButterflyGuardian

    Worn out Guardian of teenage boy - need help/support

    Thank you very much for the kind words! I have noticed that with his medication that some of the small things aren't a problem anymore AND for the first time he has no F's or D's which is huge because he's normally a straight D student. That has created a more positive attitude from him too...
  4. ButterflyGuardian

    Worn out Guardian of teenage boy - need help/support

    Hello! We are getting married in 45 days, July 13th of this year! We've been together for 5.5 years and have had the boys almost the past 2 years. We talk every single day about each and every step with the boys and handling them and we are 100% on the same page. We haven't been to premarital...
  5. ButterflyGuardian

    Worn out Guardian of teenage boy - need help/support

    Yes, we have temporary legal guardianship, and soon to be full legal guardianship as neither parents are around or able to care for the children. So everything is handled legally - that was the only way I was able to get him to a doctor for an ADHD diagnosis and to get him started on medicine...
  6. ButterflyGuardian

    Don't ALL teens have conduct disorder?

    Woo I got it changed- Thank you so much!!! :)
  7. ButterflyGuardian

    Don't ALL teens have conduct disorder?

    Thank you for the comment- I realized after I joined that others had different names but their original! Do you know how to change it or who I can ask? It won't give me the option :(
  8. ButterflyGuardian

    Don't ALL teens have conduct disorder?

    Thank you! I did - it's under General Parenting- "Worn out guardian of teenage boy- need help/support" :)
  9. ButterflyGuardian

    Don't ALL teens have conduct disorder?

    I'm new here - just started today. I was just browsing through and my oh my did your comment hit home. I'm a guardian to two teenage boys that I didn't get until they were 11 and 14 (and even then, their dad still pushes horrible things) . They weren't raised the way a lot of children are...
  10. ButterflyGuardian

    Need positivity and love

    Need positivity and love
  11. ButterflyGuardian

    Worn out Guardian of teenage boy - need help/support

    Sorry if this is long! I just need some outside views. I am a 23 (I will be 24 next month) year old female and my fiancé (32) and I are raising his two nephews ages 16 and 13. Now the 16 year old is doing great, but the 13 year old has made me feel helpless and that I’m running out of ways to...