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  1. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    I'm so glad to hear your son is doing well! I'm finding that you are right about the hospital keeping our kids busy. I met my son's hospital-based teacher yesterday and I love her. He also has speech and Occupational Therapist (OT) sessions daily. My son seems to like being there. He may not want to come home!
  2. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    My state doesn't have regional centers, unfortunately. Basically, DDD has vendors who have contracts with the state, and you pray that one of the vendors will accept your kid.
  3. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    Sorry, hit enter on accident! Thanks so much for the prayers and hugs. We do have day treatment programs available in the summer, and we have one written into his service plan, but most programs won't take him because of his behaviors. That's the twisted irony: the kids who most need support...
  4. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    Copabanana, I really like your comparison to starting kindergarten. I think you're right on. After nine days in the ER, my son was transferred to a mental hospital last night. We were able to visit for the first time today. After the visit, I feel so much better. Being able to see all the...
  5. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    I needed to hear that. You're right; I need to heal myself. It has been surreal the past few days to realize just how much we've been living in fear. So many dysfunctional little things have become normal for us and I didn't even realize it until my son was gone. For instance, my four-year-old...
  6. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    I am hoping to hear something clear on Monday. He's been in the ER for four days while they wait for a bed to open in the developmental disabilities psychiatric unit at a different hospital. The team working with him is great, but since he hasn't been admitted, they can't make any major changes to his...
  7. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    I know what you mean about not feeling you had any other choices. It's so tough.
  8. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    It must have been so stressful to take him! If an ambulance hadn't taken us, I don't know if I would've been able to gather the strength to actually take him to the hospital myself. Actually, the fire captain who first responded to the call tried to talk me into driving my son to the hospital...
  9. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    Thanks so much for sharing that. So far, the first night was the worst--he injured three staff and had to be restrained. But like you said, they did stabilize him fairly quickly. Yesterday was probably the best day we've had together in years, which is ironic because we were in a hospital room...
  10. Vonnie

    First-time hospitalization

    Today was a rough day. After a violent episode, I called 911 and had my 13-year-old son taken by ambulance to the hospital. I knew, without a doubt, that I was doing the right thing for my son so I stayed relatively calm during the day. The psychiatrist says we're looking at a 7-10 day stay as...
  11. Vonnie

    Need Advice Teenager- Bipolar or Depressed?

    I'm sorry you're going through all this! We went through something similar with our son. The challenge is that bipolar looks a lot different in kids than it does in adults so it is hard to diagnose. For many kids, it shows itself as aggression. Like Baggy Bags said, try to get 3rd, 4th, and 5th...
  12. Vonnie

    I was researching yet another medication our psychiatric recommended for DS and found this place. Love that...

    I was researching yet another medication our psychiatric recommended for DS and found this place. Love that other parents have "been there"!