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  1. gcvmom

    Circle of Support for Feeling Sad

    Hugs from my corner... :flower:
  2. gcvmom

    He got a JOB!!!

    DC1 was offered a cashier job today at a local hardware store -- his first REAL job! I am so unbelievably thrilled!!! And so is he :bigsmile: No idea when he starts yet, but OMG this is such a huge step for him. Unfortunately, this brought out some chest-thumping behavior, and he's been...
  3. gcvmom

    First day back on campus!

    I am thrilled that DC1 went back to community college today and successfully made it through his class! No panic attacks, no negativity, came home in a good mood, moderately enthusiastic about the class, focused on acquiring his materials this week -- ALL GOOD! It's a stark contrast to the...
  4. gcvmom

    My depressed, bipolar 20 year old son

    I'm so sorry your son and your family are going through this. He sounds a lot like my oldest. If he's unwilling to see a therapist or try medication, it might be worth it for you and your husband to see either a psychiatrist or a psychologist who can help you determine approaches to try at home...
  5. gcvmom

    Don't know what to do with my son

    We were just offered (and accepted) this test on Monday! I am REALLY looking forward to getting the results and hopeful it will help us target better medication therapies. Its' been SO hard trying to get the medication mix right over the years...
  6. gcvmom

    Been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely time...

    Yes, both my boys are challenging and have been since they were small. My daughter has issues, but none as debilitating as those her brothers have. Unfortunately, there are mental health problems on both sides of their family tree.
  7. gcvmom

    Been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely time...

    Glad to hear things are going well for KT and that she's headed down the path of her own life! There are days when I think my boys will never get it together, but I know I have to be patient, and persistent in guiding them towards independence. They'll get there, eventually :) I hope you're...
  8. gcvmom

    Newbie...Son in jail again...not speaking to me

    Completely agree with you. And for what it's worth, I've learned through NAMI classes I've taken that unless the mental health component is addressed at the same time with the addiction, in a dual-diagnosis program structured specifically for people with these challenges, no amount of 12-step...
  9. gcvmom

    Newbie...Son in jail again...not speaking to me

    To add to that, it's ALWAYS OK to tell someone you need time to think about the question before giving them an answer. Especially a question asking for your agreement to something with such serious ramifications. This buys you time to really think about what's best for you and set your emotions...
  10. gcvmom

    Online forum for young people like this who are struggling???

    Check this site out: It's a service provided by
  11. gcvmom

    Checking in, joining the club, catching up.

    Hi everyone! :i'mback:Posted my update on the General forum last night for those who remember me, but just wanted to check in here as well, now that I've got TWO over-18 darlings in the house, and another just around the corner. Didn't realize four years had gone by until I saw the date of my...
  12. gcvmom

    Don't know what to do with my son

    Hi @Robert44 -- If you have a NAMI chapter near you, or near his campus, you might check out their peer-to-peer groups, or even online support groups for teens/young adults, which can feel less threatening or stigmatizing than face-to-face meeting with initial strangers...
  13. gcvmom

    Been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely time...

    Erp... meant to type bipolar II for DC1, paragraph three concerning him. :ashamed:
  14. gcvmom

    Been a long time, been a long time, been a long lonely, lonely, lonely time...

    without this place and all my old friends here! Just want to let y'all know I've thought about you many, many times over the past (four?!!!) years I've been away. Suffice to say that I went down the rabbit hole for a while due to a whole host of circumstances, and so for those of you who...
  15. gcvmom

    I'm baaaaack!

    I'm baaaaack!
  16. gcvmom

    Hellooooooo out there!

    How's everyone's summer going? We're pretty much having a stay-cation for the first time in a long time. No moola. Although, the boys had 4 weeks of lacrosse camp and easy child had a week of art camp that just wrapped up last week, so now our days are pretty much wide open. We'd talked about...
  17. gcvmom

    Hellooooooo out there!

    Remember me? No, I was not abducted by chicken wranglers. No, I did not defect to Hawaii. No, I did not abandon my family at a national park rest stop and begin life anew as the proprietor of a t-shirt shop in Dubuque. I am SO far behind in all the fun and drama on this site, I don't even...
  18. gcvmom

    So this chicken walks into a bar and...

    Hey everyone! Just poppin' by to say hello and dispell the rumors that I'd run off with Raoul to Tahiti (much as I'd like to have). My absence here is simply due to an incredibly busy schedule, nothing more. I've been helping to promote and run a weekly gourmet food truck event on the high...
  19. gcvmom

    Pain in rib cage under right breast

    Best to have it checked, but that's also where my gall bladder pain hit. Usually was about 2 hours or so after a fatty meal. The pain can radiate to your back/shoulder blades. It got pretty bad for me -- about an 8 out of 10 at one point. Didn't matter what position I took, could not get the...
  20. gcvmom


    My monthly W.I.N.E. (Women In Need of Entertainment) group is pooling our money for the drawing today. I try not to think about "what if" -- drives me nuts to do stuff like that. husband, on the other hand, is Mr. What If and will obsess for hours over different scenarios for things.