We had blood work done about 8 months ago and the strep testing was on there because of the association with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and tics and strep. Unfortunately, the lab forgot to run that test. I told difficult child we could wait a few weeks since she wasn't thrilled about having blood drawn again. Within that time...
Complicated difficult child! Has Tourettes (Tourette's Syndrome) with mild, barely noticeable tics. But has all the co-morbids seen with Tourette's Syndrome (ODD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).) Perfect at school, great group of friends, saves all the ODD for home! Several therapists and P-docs stumped by how to treat her and have had many possible diagnosis's...
What has helped with my SO is to just be very clear that his role is my SO. My child has a mother (me) and a father (my ex), so there is no need for my SO to have a parenting role with her. He is there to support me in my parenting efforts, not be a parent to her too. There are times when I'm...
Many on this board have felt what you are feeling, are currently feeling what you are or will feel it in the near future. That's why we're here, to help each other through the times we think we can't get through. There are many wonderful words of wisdom from the Warrior Moms and Dads that will...
Welcome! difficult child is "Gift From God": the child you love dearly but whose behavior has led you to this site! Look on Forum Lists for the Board FAQ, and you'll see a listing for Board abbreviations and acronyms.
In trying to figure out what is going on with my 10 year old difficult child (Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), ODD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), chronic tic disorder) I several times stumbled across info on Tourettes that seemed to describe her, except it usually mentioned ADD/ADHD, which she doesn't show any signs of. Last week the psychiatrist who we met...
difficult child has had 4 cognitive behavioral therapy sessions with a child psychologist for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and ODD. Mainly focusing on Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) as that was most disruptive to her day-to-day life at the time. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) has improved greatly during this time. Today the psychiatrist suggested we meet with a child psychiatrist...
Here's one my SO said recently "I think (difficult child)has bought in to this too much and uses it to her advantage."!! WHAT advantage?!?! She's a miserable wreck half the time and loses priveledges constantly. And you think she is getting some sort of pleasure out of this?!? You think she's CHOOSING to...
A 3 year old pretty much sums up alot of my difficult children behaviors too. I say that she hit the Terrible Twos at age three, and they never left! Her latest is throwing a complete screaming fit and then when I'm all upset she says in this totally annoyed voice "OMG mom, I can't believe you fell for...
I totally agree with the part of the country you live in really making a difference. I'm unfortunately in a very white state but because my DEX and I have a child together that we share 50/50 custody with, I could only move if he moved too! My significant other is likewise stuck here too as...
My significant other is black and I'm white and he has a young son from a previous very brief relationship with a white woman. I consider this sweet boy my "step son" as he has been in my life since he was very young and lives with us several days out of the week. It seems the advice you read...
I'm not a fan of the "earn it back" system. My difficult child started to think that she could pretty much make up for bad behavior with a little good behavior and still get to do the fun thing that had been taken away. So now, once I say it's gone, it's gone. No matter how much it hurts me to have to...
That is so awful!!!! You should write a letter detailing what she said and send it to the principal and SpEd Director. She is SO out of line! My Ex is an autism behavioral specialist for our school district. When they started the middle school autism program several years ago, so many of the...
My difficult child is only a difficult child at home. Everywhere else she's a rule follower, responsible and mature. However, if someone told her to put sunscreen on, she would do one heck of a poor job! She's so paranoid about getting it in her eyes she'd probably only do her face from the nose down, she'd skim over...
I agree on the "I'm not a restaurant" comment! I tell my daughter that all the time when she tells me she doesn't like what's for dinner so what can I make her instead. (My answer is "this is not a restaurant, it's either what I've made or go get yourself a bowl of cheerios.") However, you...
Before you jump on the doctor, make an appointment with him to discuss what he supposedly said to your mom. Could be mom's stretching a few general comments that he made to better get your support of her opinion of the situation. Also, maybe if your mom was talking on and on and the doctor was just...
My difficult child's dad and I are divorced and share 50/50 custody. I woke up one night in a panic thinking "OMG, if he dies I'll have difficult child fulltime and I really think I will lose my mind!" Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday nights, and all day Sunday, are so restful. I find myself getting anxiety...
When my difficult child is in true fighting form, I sometimes just write down what I need her to do and hand it to her. She'll roll her eyes, make a comment and toss the paper aside. But when I just walk away, she does look at it and does what I've written. To make her feel in control I usually write...
Even if you find another psychiatrist, I would still contact your insurance company and find out the procedure for filing a complaint against a network provider.