difficult child saw his new psychiatrist on Monday. psychiatrist was amazing. Talked with us for two hours and is totally on board. difficult child is having major anxiety (which is ironic because when we started this journey this was what I thought we were looking at and not the beehive that we have gotten ourselves into)...
I need advice about my son J, who is 15 and in a self-contained ED program for socially and emotionally fragile high schoolers.
First a little background: A year ago J spent 6 weeks in day treatment getting his medications straightened out. When he was discharged, he was taking 400 mg Lamictal, 400...
He's home again.
Last night his heart was racing and beating so hard, I could feel it through his shirt. He got down on his knees and said his chest hurt.
I rubbed his shoulders until he fell asleep but I suspect he got up again. He is dead tired this a.m. and caught my cold. :sick:
difficult child's psychiatrist is wanting to try another d**n medication. psychiatrist absolutely believes that difficult child is bipolar and ADHD. Now I had a neuropsychologist done at an early age and it agreed with a mood disorder. Even though it was independent, I don't think it was as thorough and again he was young. He saw a pediatrician...
Well, we have an appointment with the Partial psychiatrist Friday for Dyl. I haven't kept up to date on all the newest, latest, greatest medications out there for ADHD symptoms - and I'm just lookin' to see if anyone knows anything new or has had luck with something after trying others and having none LOL!
I'm new to this site and have never tried a support group type thing. I'm really at my wits end. When my difficult child's mood swings into the mean version of him he explodes, argues over everything, hits things, etc. What frustrates me most is when he refuses to follow any direction. He won't even go...