
  1. J

    Therapeutic Boarding School?

    Hi. I'm a new member, as of today. My 12 year-old son (in 6th Grade) has ADHD, ODD, dyslexia, dyscalculia and is on his 6th school, having recently left a highly regarded special needs school. [I use the term "left" loosely.] His dad and I are at our wits end: we have him in therapy three times...
  2. Shari

    Is it worth trying other stims?

    Or since the Ritalin made my child a raving lunatic, are they all pretty much in the same boat?
  3. H

    5 year old ADHD & ODD

    This is my first time on here but I am coming here to get help dealing with my 5 year old we just found out about 3 months ago that he has ADHD and ODD and we have been running a uphill battle now for 2 years and we have now got an answer to why I feel like just running away from him all the...
  4. gcvmom

    Hope I didn't mess things up...

    Despite my ordering refills for difficult child 2's Depakote ER and Seroquel XR nearly two weeks ago, we seem to have about RUN OUT thanks to a psychiatrist's office that didn't respond to the pharmacy promptly. The Depakote is supposed to get here any day now (I just love three-day weekends when I'm...
  5. W

    Autism Spectrum and Meltdowns

    Hi everyone, I used to visit this forum quite frequently, and now I'm back - years later making another "first post". Yes, it's been a bad day - a bad week, actually. Our youngest boy (age 9) has an autism spectrum disorder (Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD)/not otherwise specified), ADHD, apraxia of speech, and ODD-like behaviors as well...
  6. gcvmom

    When do they take medications on their own?

    I haven't finished the parenting process with anyone yet, so perhaps some of you more seasoned folks can tell me how your difficult child's evolved to the point where they take their own medications without being reminded (or is this just a pipe dream of mine)? My oldest difficult child still needs me to give him his first...
  7. C

    Im Back With medication Questions...Daytrana Patch mg

    Hi All, well, I just cant stay away no sense in my closing my account again. Hopefully you all except me back! ;) Ok so here is whats going on... Son off and on better, so is daughter, but son is starting new medications and still in process of going to to be tested ( next month new tests!!!) Son is...
  8. M

    Just started Daytrana

    So... psychiatrist added Daytrana to difficult child's medications. The BM and the teacher have been complaining about "focusing" problems with difficult child. The teacher actually had more to say than just "focusing" so, I think I'll be asking for a neuro-phych evaluation. We've done 2 days so far of the daytrana and I honestly can't see...
  9. gcvmom

    Mood issues becoming more apparent in difficult child 1

    We had our usual psychiatrist appointment yesterday. I went over my obeservations again about difficult child 1's Daytrana patch and Focalin seeming to lose effectiveness at times. The psychiatrist said that it means there's a mood issue at work and that we may need to bump up the Tegretol if it continues. So far this...
  10. gcvmom

    I must be stupid.

    difficult child 1 clearly behaves as if I am. I put the cord lock back on his TV last weekend because of his beligerence towards pretty much the whole family. He was mouthy and swearing and slamming things. He was extremely irritable and the smallest things would set him off into an explosive rant. I...
  11. gcvmom

    Arrrgh! (Pirate-speak for "difficult child 1 is shutting down again!")

    I don't know if it's because his medical procedure is coming up on Friday, or if something else is going on, but difficult child 1 is behaving as if his medications are not working the past few days. Yesterday, his patch fizzled out by 3pm or so and I could not get him to do much on his assignments after his...
  12. gcvmom

    Concerned that difficult child 1 seems to need more stimulant these days...

    and am wondering if the nasty BiPolar (BP) monster is ramping up for an appearance in this kid. The past week or two he definitely is over the top in his behavior late afternoons, depsite having his patch on and it not being anywhere near time for it to wear off. He takes a 20mg booster of Focalin and a...
  13. J

    Anyone Have Experience with Focalin?

    psychiatrist suggested it was time to try to address ADHD issue again since difficult child has been stable on Depakote, Abilify, Straterra and Tenex. We are eliminating Straterra and dropping Tenex so he should be done with-that one in a week. Introduced Focalin ER today. difficult child has never done well with-stims (Ritalin...
  14. P

    Of Bipolar, Bedwetting and Stimulants

    OK, I have rasied this question with several Dr.s with no luck and so now I need to bring it to the experts - yes I know that I should have came here first :) When 'Junior' (my pre-sociopathic buddy) was placed on 5mg of Adderal (in addition to his Depakote and Seraquel for Bipolar) his...
  15. gcvmom

    Mom, can I please have my medications when we get home?

    difficult child 1 didn't put his Daytrana patch on before he left for school this morning. Needless to say, he was very ANIMATED when I picked him up from school today. He told me he feels like he's high, or drunk, and that he didn't like it, and could I please give him his booster medications (focalin) when we...
  16. gcvmom

    difficult child 1's crazy school schedule....

    is about to get crazier. Got an email from his orchestra teacher last night. She's wanting to eliminate the alternating-Monday-afterschool-rehearsals and just have the kids meet EARLIER each morning. So instead of starting at 6:50am on M,T,Th, she's proposing they start at 6:25am! So THAT...
  17. gcvmom

    My "Firstborn" Turns 15 Today... Miraculously...

    because between his dad and I, we were ready to strangle him a few hours ago! He and difficult child 2 were in the kitchen -- difficult child 2's cutting a bagel to eat before bed, and he's in there looking for a snack, too. So the fact that they were both hungry was strike #1. difficult child 2 accidentally loses the bagel and...
  18. L

    When medication started, how soon did you see results?

    As my almost-6-year-old is screaming downstairs, I am looking forward to our first psychiatrist appointment. Would you mind sharing your first medication experiences for your soon were medication's effects experienced and what were they? Thank you so much!
  19. gcvmom

    Mood stabilizer/stimulant ratios

    If your difficult child is taking two stabilizers and a stimulant, here's my question(s): 1. When you added the second mood stabilizer, did you have to reduce the amount of the first mood stabilizer? 2. When you added the second mood stabilizer, did you also have to reduce the amount of stimulant...
  20. T

    What are any of your experiences with Focalin?

    My difficult child has been on Metadate for about five years. We have tried Dexadrine, Concerta and Strattera but he has severe side effects. He still has issues at school (day dreaming, behavioral,) and some behavorial issues at home so we are looking at trying something new. We tried Dayterra but he...